In an XLSM Excel 2007 workbook, there are macros that hide or unhide various rows via a user form. Rows include option buttons in groups of 3. When the macro is used to hide rows, then unhide them later, the option buttons link to incorrect cells, some of the cells in different rows all of a sudden link to the same source, or the link is missing. There is a protect macro that runs first, then the user form. Then I have to unprotect the worksheet to choose options, which is when I realize they don’t work correctly.
Has anyone else experienced this? Any thoughts of whether it’s option button related or macro related? I helped with the macros and they were working. The end user added the option buttons later, which is when the problems started.
I’m attaching a sample file. The password is “password” and the “change” button launches the form. I’ve been experimenting with including the “Individual” and then excluding the “Individual” option.