We’re trying to use Outlook Rules to deal with the incredible amounts of SPAM received by some of our users. Occasionally, one of us gets the following message:
“There is not enough space on the Microsoft Exchange Server to store all of your rules. The rules that failed to upload have been deactivated.”
According to Microsoft’s Knowledge base, the following are suggested as workarounds:
“Create distribution lists (DLs) to group recipients in rules, instead of using individual recipients.”
“Keep the number of recipients small in rules.”
“Keep the names of recipients as small as possible.”
The last two are clear, but the distribution list puzzles me. If I group Sam, Sally and Suzie into a distribution list called “S,” for example, can/should I set up a rule to move messages FROM distribution list “S” to my Junk folder? If I do, will the rule move a message from Sam or a message from Sally into the Junk folder or will it only move messages if the message is from distribution list “S?” Anyone used this method and know how it works?
Any other ideas as to how to avoid that message? Many of our users are using the Organizer “Move to folder” option in the Inbox, to create a rule as an individual message arrives. As usual, your thoughts will be most appreciated. Thanks.