• Round down a value in a formula


    I have a calculation that I need the result to rounddown towards zero. Is there a way to add something to the formula to get this result?

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    • #1160387

      Try the ROUNDDOWN function, for more details on that function see http://office.microsoft.com/en-us/excel/HP052092411033.aspx

    • #1160432

      I understand the round down function but I don’t know how to get it to display the correct value in the formula cell. for example, I create a formula to calculate a result from cell h29 times .035. The resulting value in cell k29 is 18798.75 but I want the formula to round down the calculation to 18798. Can that be done in one formula for cell k29?

      • #1160437

        Let’s say that you have the following formula in cell K29:


        You can change this to




    • #1160457

      Perfect—thank you Hans

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