• Reports made with wizard print extremely faint? (97 SR2)

    Home » Forums » AskWoody support » Productivity software by function » MS Access and database help » Reports made with wizard print extremely faint? (97 SR2)


    Good morning everyone! smile

    Just curious… Has anyone ever seen this issue?

    If I create a report using the Report Wizard, it looks perfect in print preview, but when I print the report, it’s extremely faint… ?? …I’m talking almost unreadable… I’ve checked everything I can think of… I’m wondering if this is a bug or something? …I have figured out how to get around it… I select all sections, copy them, and paste to a new blank report in Design view… Now, THAT report prints fine… ???…. Strange, but true! laugh …Go figure…

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    • #694543

      The only thing I can think of is that your font colors have somehow been set to something other than black, but that should make the new report faint when you copy the objects as well. A real puzzle, and not one I’ve seen before.

      • #694704

        Thanks Wendell…

        Font color was the first thing I checked… I even tried making everything bold to see if that would make it print darker… No such luck… I noticed this problem a while ago… I’ve just been working around it… I figured if anyone would know why this was happening, the gang at Woody’s would know… smile

        I’ll let you know if I figure it out… Have a great day!

    • #694567

      Very strange. As Wendell says, copying the controls should preserve their color settings, so why the originals should print differently from the copies is beyond me. The following probably won’t help, but you might give it a try:
      Does your printer have an Economode setting (or something like that) that prints very light, in grayscale? If so, check whether the report created by the wizard is set to Economode. If that is the case, switch to a higher-quality mode. Otherwise, switch to Economode, close the report, reopen it and switch to a higher-quality mode.

      Is your Wizard named Gandalf the Grey? Maybe it’s time for some black magic…

      • #694568

        Gandalf ..
        Are you a fan Hans?

      • #694714

        Good Morning Hans…

        laugh … Gotta love Gandalf!!!! …He could fix this!… Meanwhile, some black magic would be good here!

        Seriously though… Thanks for the suggestion… I’ve checked into the Economode thing… There is a setting for that, however it’s not checked… The printer is “supposed” to be using high quality mode… ?

        Oh well… I’ll just keep on plugging away as I have been… Not a big deal really….
        Just made me go “hmmmmmmmmm”… grin

        • #694721

          Hi Trudi,

          Have you tried checking Economode, then unchecking it? I found a thread in the Microsoft Newsgroups in which someone solved a similar problem that way – apparently the report had become stuck in Economode without the check box being set. Turning it on, then off again did the trick.

          • #694814

            Hi Hans,

            Have I told you lately how incredibly good you are?!?! starstruck

            I just created a new report with the wizard and printed two pages… Really faint (as expected)……..
            I went into the printer properties and verified that the Economode was not checked… I checked it, unchecked it and it printed fine!

            I also noticed that the settings said 300 dpi … I remembered seeing 600 dpi on the report that I’d created myself earlier, so I changed that as well…
            I guess it’s just a bug after all??… Thanks a million for helping me figure it out… thankyou

            Have a great weekend! pinkelefant

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