Sorry to be posting so often lately Mr. Moderator, but I’m about to dive into some serious work; & need some advice. A few months ago, I added a secondary hard drive to my system (A Dell 700; & the drive was a Maxtor 60GB.) I do a lot of work with digital multitracking; & use the drive exclusively for audio files. The drive was an ATA/133, which I was told will work fine in my ATA/100 system (& it does.) Now, my primary drive is getting noisy & slow; & I purchased another Maxtor, a 40GB; & also a 133. My questions are: A) Now that both drives are going to be 133’s, will they both work in my 100 system?; & Should I upgrade the card to a 133 anyway? I am running 512MB of SD/RAM, but with a PIII 700, what should I do, stay with the 100 Card (Ultra) or upgrade to the 133. Thanks.