• Removing All Spaces from a query result

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    I am pulling name data from one field (Last Name) to then combine with another (Called) to build a third value (which will we use as a login for another system) which is stored in the same table (EMailMailName). The goal is to pull these together to find duplicates before they happen, and then correct them in order to manage the migration to a new Email system.

    I have used this query to

    UPDATE Email_Pivot SET Email_Pivot.EmailMailName = Left([Email_Pivot].[Called],1)+Left([Email_Pivot].[Last Name],11);

    This works fine, except when I have a name with a space, or an apostrophe in it. I looked at the TRIM function, but that removes EXTRA spaces, and I need to remove all of them (plus the other characters).

    Is there an way to do this with a query, or do I need to go to VBA? Any suggestions would be welcome for an SQL solution and/or VBA.

    Thanks in advance,
    John D

    Viewing 2 reply threads
    • #519595

      This function removes everything from the input string except alphanumeric characters:

      Public Function CleanString(InputString As String)
      Dim intCode As Integer
      Dim intNameLen As Integer
      Dim intCheck As Integer
      CleanString = “”
      intNameLen = Len(InputString)
      intCode = 1
      Do Until intCode = intNameLen + 1
      intCheck = Asc(Mid(InputString, intCode, 1))
      If intCheck 122 Then
      If (intCheck > 57 And intCheck 90 And intCheck < 97) Then
      CleanString = CleanString & Chr(intCheck)
      End If
      End If
      intCode = intCode + 1
      End Function

    • #519599


      cpod already provided a function for you that’ll do the trick, and well. Thought I’d give you this to boot as I’ve been able to use it to great effect; feed the function the string you want it to search, what you want it to search the string for, and what you want it to be replaced with. As I’ve just used it myself, it’s not particularly well commented, sorry.

      Function ChangeStr(strOrig As String, strOldChar As String, strNewChar As String _
      , intMatchCase As Integer) As Variant
      ‘This substitutes one character or char string with another as
      ‘designated in the calling function, from KB Q210372
      ‘intMatchCase defaults to 0 which means case insensitive; set to 1 for case
      ‘sensitive comparison against strOldChar
      Dim Temp As String
      Dim Pos As Integer

      Temp = “”

      If IsNull(strOrig) Then
      ChangeStr = Null
      Exit Function
      End If

      If strOldChar = “” Or strOrig = “” Then
      ChangeStr = strOrig
      Exit Function
      End If

      Pos = InStr(1, strOrig, strOldChar, intMatchCase)
      While Pos > 0
      Temp = Temp & Mid$(strOrig, 1, Pos – 1) & strNewChar
      strOrig = Right$(strOrig, Len(strOrig) – Pos – Len(strOldChar) + 1)
      Pos = InStr(1, strOrig, strOldChar, intMatchCase)
      ChangeStr = Temp & strOrig

      End Function

    • #519619

      Dear All,
      Access 2000 no sr

      • #519641

        That’s OK. When I try it like that, I get a #Name? error. I had never tried using it that way since I always use it in code, and it works fine there. I did run into a problem at first in my test database because I already had a function called Replace (this was old code) and it overrode the VBA string function. Could you have something similar going on?

        • #519785

          Sorry Charlotte,

          I made a mistake. This works fine now.

          Public Function ReplaceSpace(StrRemoveSpace As String)

          ReplaceSpace = Replace(StrRemoveSpace, ” “, “”, 1, -1, 1)

          End Function

          I forgot to feed the result back to the function ReplaceSpace. I must have been half asleep!

          Why won’t “Replace” work in a text box?

          • #519813

            Good question. I’ll research it when I have time.

            • #524167
            • #524209

              Custom functions (that is, user-defined functions) won’t work in controls. However, Replace is a VBA function, not a custom function, so I’m not clear on what his explanation actually means. You can’t run Access without the VBA library, so it can hardly be considered an “outsider”.

              Replace does have to be passed a value in order to work at all, so the way to use it would be in the afterupdate event of the control txt_RemoveSpace. You would do something like this:

              [txt_strRemoved] = _
              Replace([txt_RemoveSpace],],” “,””,1,-1,1)

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