I am pulling name data from one field (Last Name) to then combine with another (Called) to build a third value (which will we use as a login for another system) which is stored in the same table (EMailMailName). The goal is to pull these together to find duplicates before they happen, and then correct them in order to manage the migration to a new Email system.
I have used this query to
UPDATE Email_Pivot SET Email_Pivot.EmailMailName = Left([Email_Pivot].[Called],1)+Left([Email_Pivot].[Last Name],11);
This works fine, except when I have a name with a space, or an apostrophe in it. I looked at the TRIM function, but that removes EXTRA spaces, and I need to remove all of them (plus the other characters).
Is there an way to do this with a query, or do I need to go to VBA? Any suggestions would be welcome for an SQL solution and/or VBA.
Thanks in advance,
John D