• Remote Registry – Back in 1909?

    • This topic has 5 replies, 5 voices, and was last updated 5 years ago.

    First time poster as I found this egregious and I’m a frequent lurker here at Woody’s place.

    Upgraded from Pro 1903 to 1909 today and Remote Registry of all things was running and on automatic (delayed).

    This has always been one of the first services I disable on a new build. Perhaps I’m being overly cautious and perhaps Remote Registry has changed over the decades, but the thought of anything or anyone having access to my registry raises a major red flag in my book.

    Please check your 1909 builds.

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    • #2153312

      Please explain how to check this, thank you.

      • #2153320

        In Services (run as administrator), find Remote Registry and change StartUp Type to Disabled (in Properties, if right click is greyed out).

        2 users thanked author for this post.
        • #2176063

          Thanks for this info here.   At the new Inspiron on !in 10 1909 that I am using right now, the Remote Registry  startup type was already set to Disabled.  So I am not going in to the registry.

          Thanks for the advice here.

          1 user thanked author for this post.
    • #2153370

      Delayed Start has a Start value of 2 in the registry:


      Disabled has a Start value of 4.

      An alternative method is to copy/paste the following into Notepad and save it as something like disable_remote_registry.bat.

      sc config RemoteRegistry start= disabled
      reg add "HKLMSystemCurrentControlSetServicesRemoteRegistry" /v "Start" /t REG_DWORD /d "4" /f</pre?

      *Right-click* on this new BAT file, choose Run as administrator and accept the UAC prompt then reboot. This will have stopped and disabled the service:


      Hope this helps…


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    • #2153374

      This has always been one of the first services I disable on a new build. Perhaps I’m being overly cautious and perhaps Remote Registry has changed over the decades, but the thought of anything or anyone having access to my registry raises a major red flag in my book.

      Just a quick note – the Remote Registry is “remote” in that one can edit the registry on another PC when connected to the same network, but not “remote” as in someone on another network can hack your registry using this service.

      It can be useful to be able to remotely edit someone’s registry in a business setting; sometimes it’s the fastest route to resolving an issue.

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