• Remember Batterygate? It’s back, bigger than ever, with a fratricidal twist

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    Did the patch that saved Simplo batteries on the Surface Pro 3 screw up the more common LGC batteries? InfoWorld Woody on Windows
    [See the full post at: Remember Batterygate? It’s back, bigger than ever, with a fratricidal twist]

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    • #34274

      Simply cannot decide what, would better represent this ongoing Microsoft Windows Saga.

      Three Stooges,Dumb and Dumber, or the Keystone Cops? Naaah, these were all funny.

      Got it! THE EXORCIST! Call the Vatican someone!

    • #34275
    • #34276

      What’s all the kerfuffle about the Surface Pro?

      They make fine doorstops and paperweights.

    • #34277

      The current Vatican Exorcist, Father Gabriele Amorth, died recently at the age of 91. They have to find another one.

      Any takers here?

    • #34278

      Oh, not again!
      Microsoft should stay away from the hardware market. They are unlike Apple, primarily a software company. Apple is primarily a fantastic hardware selling company with good software only as complement.

    • #34279


    • #34280

      Visit the link for more for info http://appshowbox.org/

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