• Reliable reports of bluescreen after installing Win10 1809’s second March cumulative update, KB 4490481

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    Martin Brinkmann advises that you better back up your system before installing KB 4490481, the Win10 1809 “optional non-security” second cumulative up
    [See the full post at: Reliable reports of bluescreen after installing Win10 1809’s second March cumulative update, KB 4490481]

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    • #348679

      Christian Vanderbrouk reports:


      Did a system restore and things are working again.

      1 user thanked author for this post.
    • #348688

      Grisu_1968 reports the same on drwindows.de (Google translation):

      I have the problem that I get a blue screen s. 2 PCs if I install the KB4490481 Windows Update. Since both PCs have very different hardware I suspect that there may be problems with an installed software.
      The one PC AMD (Desktop) is the one listed under My System. The other PC is my notebook (Intel) Lenovo ThinkPad X1 Carbon 5th Gen

    • #348698

      Sadly nowadays Updates should only be applied right away for test purpouse

      the days where  you could have your system (literally) up to date are gone by, You have to wait weeks to make sure the update is safe for you or your PC is doomed.

      In resume: NEVER BLINDLY update anything, always make sure is safe.

      Just someone who don't want Windows to mess with its computer.
      3 users thanked author for this post.
    • #348714

      so far woody, I have not encountered the BSOD problem with KB4490481 on my machine running win10 v1809

    • #348733

      Installed KB4490481 yesterday with no apparent problems. My WinX Pro system was slow to boot this morning, but it did boot without a BSOD. Praise Gaia!

      There are 10 kinds of people:
      those who understand binary numbers
      and those who don't.

    • #348771

      I installed KB 4490481 on my AMD desktop yesterday with no problems.

      This morning i installed it on my daughters Intel laptop also with no problems.

      Windows 11 v23H2

    • #348824

      BSOD after KB 4490481 happened to me last night on a Shuttle H67 board with i7-3770 and GeForce GTX 750 Ti Graphics Card video card    Only recourse was to go back to a restore point after two BSODs and reboots.  I called into MS tech support and let them remote into my system to see what was up.  End result was to turn off automatic updates for the short term.   Seemed like the tech was aware of issue surrounding this update.

      Edited for HTML. Please use the Text tab for copy/paste.

      1 user thanked author for this post.
    • #348856

      If 1809 updates can cause BSOD, why are we still on DEFCON 4?  I am going to hold back on updating.

      • #348959

        The second monthly cumulative update is causing the BSODs. If you follow my instructions in Computerworld, you’ll never install a second monthly cumulative update (a so-called “optional non-security update”).

        March’s first Win10 1809 cumulative update is fine, except for the (five) listed, acknowledged bugs.

        1 user thanked author for this post.
    • #348943
    • #348973

      Same BSOD intel nuc with intel 5000 graphics

    • #349017

      so far woody, I have not encountered the BSOD problem with KB4490481 on my machine running win10 v1809

      Me too. No BSOD after upgrading 1803 to 1809 on Apr. 3.

    • #349019

      had 2 machine bricked.

      #1 AMD 2700. Fixed with a roll back of 3 days.

      #2 Intel 2500. Totally borked. Neither wired or wirelss keyboard / mouse work on the recovery screen. Yes I have backups, Catch 22 working well here. Currently downloading Windows 10 install media on a usb to do a recover this way. Microsoft live chat is now backed up as well. Bet by Friday pm the MS will have pulled KB4490481


    • #349064

      Is the BSOD occurring during the update process or is the system booting to BSOD/running unstably after the update has completed?

    • #349065

      Microsoft has added to the KB article:

      If you enable per font end-user-defined characters (EUDC), the system will stop working and a blue screen will appear at startup. This is not a common setting in non-Asian regions.

      Seems too obscure to be the main cause though

    • #349108

      Wasn’t their a improvement in Win 10 where if Windows experienced a issue with a update such as BSOD that the update would be uninstalled?

    • #349277

      KB 4490481
      BSOD also on 4 very different computers !!!! Update went smoothly until 30%, when rebooting, BSOD with system exception error, stop code.

      The only common point between these 4 computers : a PCIe card Soundblaster Audigy FX.

      Delayed the automatic updates to 35 days, but when checking it manually still give me this deadly update, comm’on Microsoft, imagine the people without any reliable backups, or unable to manage rollbacks, they have no longer any computer for the time being !!!

      • #349299

        Did you try removing the Audigy card + drivers from one of the PCs to see if this fixed it?

        It would be useful to find the hardware combination that causes this error.

        • #349350

          good question, not yet, but I will try the update after removing the PCIe Soundblaster Audigy FX card from the motherboard, stay tuned !

    • #349496

      Two of my PC’s crash with System Service Exception after installing KB4490481 on Windows 10 x64 1809. A Dell laptop with Intel graphics 520 and an Intel NUC with intel HD5000 graphics.
      I’m suspecting an issue with the update and intel graphics drivers. Just a gut feeling.
      Fortunately in both cases a system restore fixes the issue.

    • #349515

      Here’s what happened to me:

      Windows 10 Home KB4490481 boots into blue screen Recovery.

      Clean install of Windows 10 from usb, then update to 17763.404 with no problems.

      Install Windows Media Center 8.8.2 for Windows 10


      Boots into blue screen Recovery.

      So, for me problem was Windows Media Center 8.8.2

      Restore to 17763.379 from system image backup.

    • #349533
      • #349621

        As the link anonymous above points to states, the issue seems to be with users with media center installed. A fix is to remove the font info from the registry. To do this, you can opy the following into a text file, rename it with .reg extension and double click on it:

        Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
        [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\FontLink\SystemLink]
        "MS PGothic MC"=-
        "Segoe Media Center"=-
        "Segoe Media Center Light"=-
        "Segoe Media Center Semibold"=-
        1 user thanked author for this post.
    • #349649

      Removing old media center fonts fixed the BSOD on my two PCs. Thanks to max1 on My Digital Life.

    • #349895

      A lesser skilled anonymous asks, what level of conflict or malicious intent does this indicate about the identified font?

      I do not know if this was a Microsoft provided font that came with Media Center, or was added later, or if it came from content other than Microsoft. I have learned that fonts are potential paths for malware because of the deep permissions allowed. But I do not know how correct or current that information is, as antivirus and cleaners have developed.

      Also, not all conflicts are malicious. Some parts just don’t work well together. Is there enough information available to say this is only accidental, not a threat that has lingered from old content?

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