I’m using XP Pro. After my computer crashed, probably due to a virus, I tried doing a repair, but it didn’t work, so I reinstalled XP, using the “keep existing files” option instead of formatting the hard drive. All my personal data was backed up, so I didn’t lose anything. I got Windows up and running, ran multiple virus scans (installed one, uninstalled it, then repeated with another) and got rid of several malware files. All seems well, and I’ve started reinstalling my files.
I just noticed that all my old programs are still in c:program files, and all the ones I’ve tried so far will run when I click the executable from the folder in c. But, presumably, they got blown away from the registry, so they don’t show up in the start menu, the add/remove programs, etc.
Is there a way to either get Windows and the registry to recognize these programs?
Or, if there isn’t, is there a clean way to get rid of them? Some have uninstall files, and I can try those. Is it safe to just delete the folder from c:program files for the others?