• Referenced Cell Format


    Excel 97 SR-2. When I reference a cell in Worksheet One, I want the cell in Worksheet Two to be blank when the cell in Worksheet One is blank. Now, I either get a “0” displayed in Worksheet Two, or I get the cell reference displayed if I select Text format for the cells.

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    • #520981

      You could try a conditional formula in your reference, so for example instead of using =Sheet1!A1, you could use =IF(Sheet1!A1=””,””,Sheet1!A1).

      Andrew C

      • #521529

        Thanks for the responses. The IF statement worked perfectly.

    • #521006

      There are several ways to get what you want.

      1- You can select Options from the Tools menu. Then on the View Tab uncheck the “Zero values” box. This will cause all zero values to display as blank.

      2- Select the cells and then select Cells from the Format menu. Select Custom, and create a format like: #,##0.00;-#,##0.00;

      3- Use a formula like: =If(Sheet1.A1 = “”, “”, Sheet1.A1)

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