I have a form named frm_TicketViewer, with a text box named fk_StatusCodeID. In a query, I’m able to successfully set the WHERE clause to:
…and all is well.
Now I’ve dropped frm_TicketViewer on a page in a tab control in another form, and need to change the WHERE clause accordingly. Here be dragons. The new form is named frm_Main, the tab control is named tabMain, and the page on which the original form was dropped is named pgOverview. So, I’ve tried a thousand and one permutations and am now turning to the knowledgable folks here. Here are some examples of what doesn’t work. Please ignore the continuation character in the first example:
[Forms].[frm_Main].[tabMain].[Pages].[pgOverview].[Subforms].[frm_TicketView]. _ [fk_StatusCodeID]