here’s a good one.
prior to defragging my recording studio pc’s audio drive…I went into my DAW (cakewalk SONAR XI), to a function known as ‘[/COLOR]Clean[/SIZE] Audio Folder’…called up each one of the folders where SONAR audio data is stored…found the (supposedly) un-needed audio files & deleted them.
ten minutes later…I opened one of those projects; & some audio is now missing.
first, I ran a search from that SONAR dialog…machine finds nothing.
then I went to RECYCLE BIN…nothing there either.
went back & opened the project in question & highlighted every missing audio file the dialog asked about; and saved their titles in a notepad file. (& then ran an actual windows 7 search for some…nothing was found).
1) are these GONE 4 GOOD…forever…???
2) if I take out that drive & take it to my local pc repairshop (who do file recovery very, very well)…will they find them…???
3) shouldn’t they have been listed in the RECYCLE BIN…???…(the audio drive was listed as one of the indexing locations).
need these files…any ideas…???
ADK Pro Audio Quad Pro, w/ Intel Core i7 2600 CPU | 8 GB DDR3-1600 RAM | Seagate 500 GB SATA II (Primary) HD | Seagate 1 TB SATA II (Audio Data) HD | Win 7 Pro 64-Bit | Lynx Aurora8 ~ AES16 | Universal Audio UAD-1 | Cakewalk SONAR PE XI | Steinberg WaveLab 7 | NI Komplete 5 | Band-In-A-Box 2012[/FONT] [/COLOR][/SIZE][/COLOR][/SIZE]