• Recommend free print-queue clearing software?


    I downloaded a free program that cleared stubborn print queues with a click on the icon. It was probably recommended either by Windows Secrets, PCWorld, or ZDnet, since those are my usual sources. Foolishly I deleted it because it was solving a problem I didn’t have, but now I have a friend who does have repeated problems with stuck printer queues and I can’t find the software. Does anyone know what it might be? Thanks.

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    • #1260932

      Have you tried deleting the contents of the Spooler folder? Look in C:WINDOWSsystem32spoolPRINTERS.
      If you can’t delete the files, stop the Print Spooler service from Control Panel > Admin Tools > Services, then delete. Don’t forget to re-start the Spooler service.

      cheers, Paul

    • #1260940

      A few sites detailing batchfile creation possibilities:
      Deleting A Print Job On My Printer That Won’T Delete
      How to Clear the Print Buffer
      Thread: Clear Printer Spooler Queue
      Cancel A Stubborn Print Job

      Creating a batchfile is probably your best bet.

      @echo off
      echo Stopping print spooler.
      net stop spooler
      echo Cancel all print jobs.
      FOR %%A IN (%systemroot% system32 spool printers *.*) DO DEL %%A
      echo Starting print spooler.
      net start spooler

    • #1260985

      Thanks. I cleared the print queue jobs using the C: Windows path after stoping the print spooler service. That worked fine, but it is not necessarily the kind of simple solution I like to give to newbies. The software I was looking for presumably did the same thing, but with a click on a desktop icon. Since I can’t seem to find it, maybe it no longer is available.

      • #1261000

        Thanks. I cleared the print queue jobs using the C: Windows path after stoping the print spooler service. That worked fine, but it is not necessarily the kind of simple solution I like to give to newbies. The software I was looking for presumably did the same thing, but with a click on a desktop icon. Since I can’t seem to find it, maybe it no longer is available.


        Just create the batch file per Clint’s post then create a shortcut on the desktop to reference it. Then all the user has to do is double click.

        May the Forces of good computing be with you!


        PowerShell & VBA Rule!
        Computer Specs

    • #1261005

      Thanks. I’ll give it a go.

    • #1261009

      Unless you can remember the exact name of the app you used, you will have to make due with the batchfile.
      You could make copies for those that are in need of similar capability. (newbies)

    • #1261301

      If your spooler does not shut down that batch file will not delete all the files, and the spooler may not start up again. You need a little error / control built in.

      @echo off
      echo Stopping print spooler.
      set _spooler=NUL
      net stop spooler /y
      FOR /f "tokens=4" %%x IN ('sc query spooler') DO IF %%x==RUNNING set _spooler=RUNNING
      if %_spooler%==STOPPED goto CleanUp
      echo The print spooler has not stopped. Please report this error
      goto :eof
      FOR %%A IN (%systemroot%system32spoolprinters*.*) DO DEL %%A
      echo Starting print spooler.
      net start spooler
      set _spooler=NUL
      FOR /f "tokens=4" %%x IN ('sc query spooler') DO IF %%x==RUNNING set _spooler=RUNNING
      if %_spooler%==NUL goto :eof
      echo The print spooler has not re-started. Please report this error

      You also need to force the spooler to stop any dependent services, like fax, so I added the “/y” to the stop command.

      cheers, Paul

    • #1261814

      I have one that works quite well called:

      Stalled printer Repair.

      The installation file is called stalled printer.exe.

      Unfortunately not permitted to upload and send to you but Google it and you should find it.


      Selwyn Mendelsohn

    • #1261842

      Here’s the link for “Stalled Printer Repair” I’ve used it successfully, and often.



      • #1267388

        Yes. Ditto jr213’s comment. You can really scamper around a lot of junky places on the Net should you just Google it. FantasticFreeware is the Home Site of the program.

        It is very easy to use. Just be aware that when you Click on “Purge Print Jobs” it will clear out the whole shebang — just the particulr job that is blocking the queue. All the rest of the print jobs in the line-up also vanish. But it doe warn you itself, so you will not be surprised.


    • #1295604

      I spent months fighting an HP printer, finally read an article in PCWORLD Finally there was a solution to my problem. StalledPrinterRepair.zip. see http://www.pcworld.com/downloads/file/fid,84019-order,4/description.html for the link and review. It worked as advertised.

    • #1303104

      Maybe have a look at: “Duplicate Cleaner 2.1”? (Freeware by Digital Volcano) It includes searching sub-folders (or not) and can be configured to your needs. It certainly fits my needs.

    • #1303162

      What is it about first posts and dodgy, off topic software recommendations? Run for your lives!

      cheers, Paul

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