• Read Only (Word 2003 )


    I’ve been working on a Word doc and click the Save button on the toolbar occasionally to save my changes. The Save As dialog box appeared and when I clicked Save it created a read only document. When I check the properties under Files/properties in Word, the Read Only check box is not checked but the document is read only. What is causing this to happen?

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    • #1069456

      There are different types of read-only:

      – The .doc file can be made read-only in Windows Explorer. This corresponds to the Read-Only check box you see in File | Properties.
      – The document can be read-only within Word, for example because it is already in use by someone else, or because it has been specified in the Security tab of Tools | Options…

      If the document changes to read-only spontaneously, I’d suspect some kind of glitch. Does this persist if you quit all instances of Word, then reopen the document?

    • #1069457

      Let me try that to see if I can replicate it. Thanks….

      • #1069459

        Yes—it still creates a read only doc out of it.

        • #1069460

          Have you checked the settings in the Security tab of Tools | Options?

          • #1069461

            Yes—read only is not checked.

            • #1069462

              No idea then. Perhaps the document has become corrupt. You could do the following:
              – Press Ctrl+A to select the entire document.
              – Press Shift+left arrow to exclude the last paragraph mark from the selection.
              – Press Ctrl+C to copy the selection to the clipboard.
              – Press Ctrl+N to create a blank new document.
              – Press Ctrl+V to paste the contents.
              – Save the new document. Hopefully it doesn’t become read-only.

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    Reply To: Read Only (Word 2003 )

    You can use BBCodes to format your content.
    Your account can't use all available BBCodes, they will be stripped before saving.

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