Usually after you do a clean install, you install your drivers, your software, and then finally the updates.
Windows 7 update scan takes forever. Like years. You leave and then 100 years later the updates are available, so you check them all off. They download and install which depending on your internet connection can take between 200-500 years. Then you reboot. But you’re not done. There are still updates to those updates. You do the same with those which take only a few decades this time. But you’re still not done, there’s still one or two more updates left.
My point is, how can I Windows 7 SP1 fully up to date quicker? Usually with my 8.1 and 10 machines it’ll take me about 1 reboot to get all the updates where as 7 usually takes 3 or more. Is there a way to speed up this process? I know there’s the Convenience Rollup, but I’d rather not do that. Anyways thanks.