• Quick Assist


    Hello — not sure if I missed something here, but it seems that something changed on how quickassist works. I got a call from a friend that he was having an issue with his backup software on windows 10 —- his system like mine (win 10 too) are current with all update. Like I have done this is the past 100 times we opened up a “quickassist” session – I was the helper and he was the client. I started quickassist via “run” in the start menu

    I notice that when it started the screens looked a bit different – larger and clearer fonts. I then selected “help someone”, then signed in with my MS account — the session code generates, I gave it to my friend, he types into his computer and the next thing that came on my screen was his computer. I did not think of it at the time, but I started to poke around the (new) screen to find the control to just focus on just one of his 2 screen system — go it and focus on the screen with this issue. Now to my surprise I was not able to type or get control of his computer. I thought I missed something doing this again the results were the same.

    For the past few hours, I was trying to find out if something changed with quickassist — I did find this doc (attached) how to connect and now I realize from item 5 – I never got the screen to request “full control”. I did find this description in the MS store for quickassist

    “Help family and friends with their PC or get help from them using Quick Assist. Use a remote connection to view their screen or request full control during a session, make annotations, use a laser pointer, and more to help fix PC problems”

    Is seems that I or (client) “can request full control during a session” but it was not clear how to do this — does anyone have experience on how to do this in the new version of quickassist



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    • #2538720

      Firstly it now upgrades through the MS store ergo the difference since the early days. Did you see a screen like this?


      Susan Bradley Patch Lady/Prudent patcher

    • #2538722

      no,  that is the screen that was missing


    • #2539545

      Hey Y’all,

      I just logged on to post the same problem, but luckily did a search first.

      You now only get the option to share screen – Not take control.

      I thought I’d gone nuts. I didn’t see any mention of this anywhere. After looking like a “Nim Nol” trying to help a friend remotely, I tried it on two computers on my network with the same results.

      I checked on the dates QA was installed and it was 2/28 on my main driver and 3/2 on my laptop which I only use occasionally.

      This is a MAJOR blow to all of us who are supporting our family, friends, and neighbors (who in my case number 800 members of our CCC retirement community!).

      Really Microsoft!

      May the Forces of good computing be with you!


      PowerShell & VBA Rule!
      Computer Specs

      1 user thanked author for this post.
      • #2539558

        WOW! That stinks! Used it for the 1st time a few weeks ago because client couldn’t install AnyDesk and was pleasantly surprised at how well it worked. Turned out the issue with AnyDesk was her system date was off by years 🙂

    • #2539555

      thanks for confirming this —- I has to  use  chrome’s  remote desktop — which is a bit more  to set up  but is does work  to get control of the remote computer

      The February date is the same in my case —-   I have not seened any posts about this change — have you?



    • #2539568

      Just found this:

      Now if I can just figure out how to accomplish that magic trick! I sure didn’t see it available anywhere.

      Well, tried again before posting this and this time it showed up, not sure why I didn’t see it the 4 other times I tried it, unless I just cancelled out too fast.

      EDIT: Additional info…If the remote machine has the taskbar set to hide the person giving assistance can not get it to show! If the person receiving help floats over the bottom of the screen it will appear on both screens.


      May the Forces of good computing be with you!


      PowerShell & VBA Rule!
      Computer Specs

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    • #2539575

      I quoted those instruction  in my post — but I could not find on my side any “button” or “option” to update the connection  also was the case on the target side  —

      this has to be a major setback



    • #2539590

      I think Microsoft has seriously screwed up with their lack of documentation about this change. In many places their “old” instructions still persist. The only place I could find (with hours of searching yesterday) where it’s been almost properly updated is:

      5. If you’d like to request full control of their PC, select Request control, then wait for them to allow it.

      (After other tools “… laser pointer, annotation, chat for typing messages”.)

      Solve PC problems over a remote connection Windows 11 Windows 10

      (And I didn’t know about the extra hidden task bar conundrum before!)

    • #2539598

      this is really messed up — the info in item 5 is the jpg in my post


      • #2539612

        It’s not the same. 5 in your jpg gives a control or view option before connection, not a Request control button after connection.

    • #2539632

      I just was on a chat session with ms  support — and it seems there is a “edit”  option/field in the helpers screen to request “full control” then there is a button on the  target computer to  allow it  —-  I am not sure were this edit field is,  but the agent said there is (new) doc on the way


      • #2539653


        Now where did they hide that “Edit” option? 🤔😕

    • #2539703

      here is part of the chat session with the MS support/agent —

      the ms agent said:

      see the screen (there you can see the screen; it is in the upper part “request
      control” and they will see “allow access” if you use it I can give you the help
      and you will see how your family member sees it and you can practice)

      once connected to the target computer, on the helpers screen the ms agent said:

      In the upper part of my screen, it says ” Request Control”

      he also said

      There is a top button next to the normal edit options that says so 🙂

      I did see the “allow access” on my side (as the client) in the quick assist box/window at the top
      of the screen — I have not tried to do this yet

      the previous post with the screen shot does show (in yellow) “request control” —-   the target has to wait until  the  button “allow access” to appear on their screen




      • #2539710

        Yep, thanks. But all after connection now, not before … as before.

    • #2540340

      I have not seen any posts about this change — have you?

      We’ve known for 10 months that change was coming in the form of a Quick Assist store app (pre-installed in Win 11, 22H2) to replace the built-in Win 10/11 program:

      Remote assistance with Quick Assist is changing

      Try an improved Quick Assist experience

      Install Quick Assist

      But there’s been no explanation of changes, or details of new tools included, beyond the brief description in the Store which you included in your first post of this thread:

      Help family and friends with their PC or get help from them using Quick Assist. Use a remote connection to view their screen or request full control during a session, make annotations, use a laser pointer, and more to help fix PC problems.

    • #2540342

      Additional info…If the remote machine has the taskbar set to hide the person giving assistance can not get it [Request control] to show! If the person receiving help floats over the bottom of the screen it will appear on both screens.

      I checked the Feedback Hub for similar comments and upvoted one suggestion that an autohidden taskbar on the receiving computer should become unhidden automatically during a Quick Assist session. (Microsoft need to do something like that or it will cause frequent confusion and frustration.)

      1 user thanked author for this post.
    • #2543774

      Microsoft have updated their documentation to include the fact that control is now requested after the sharing session is established, not before:

      6. After the screen sharing session is established, the helper can optionally request control of the sharer’s screen by selecting Request control. The sharer then receives a dialog asking them if they want to Allow or Deny the request for control.

      Working with Quick Assist

    • #2545055

      Providing help is easier than ever with the redesigned Quick Assist app

      You can open Quick Assist right from the Start menu and get connected more quickly than before, and even take advantage of the new capability to switch between screen sharing and full control during a session to give or get help the way you want. And you’ll love this, there’s a new laser pointer you can use to highlight an icon, menu, or anything else on screen so that you can help guide people through the learning process.

      Introducing a big update to Windows 11 making the everyday easier including bringing the new AI-powered Bing to the taskbar

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