This is another tip from my Accessibility collection that a lot of my “getting older” friends like. It applies to Windows 10 and 11.
Quick Zoom In – Zoom Out of Desktop
Instructions to use the Magnify tool in Windows with a keyboard short cut to quickly enlarge everything on the Desktop to make smaller things easier to see and read, and another keyboard shortcut to return to the normal size Desktop (AKA quick zoom in and out).
Users occasionally encounter images or text on their Desktop that is so small that it is difficult to see clearly or read clearly. Rather than straining the eyes or some other technique to see the image/text more clearly, pressing a two keys at the same time to instantly enlarge everything on the Desktop so you can see the image/text clearly followed by pressing two keys to return the Desktop back to normal size would be a better solution. The following instructions explain how.
Note: This applies to Windows 10 and 11.
- No matter what app, web page, or settings page is currently active; press the WinKey and the + key at the same time (WinKey + +). The + key can be either the keyboard =+ key or the Number pad + key. This will open the Magnify tool command console.
- If this is your first use of the Magnify tool it may need a one time adjustments. Set the magnification using the – and + icons to about 125. You can fine tune the amount of magnification in the Settings for the Magnify tool. Press the Ctrl , Alt, and F keys at the same time (Ctrl + Alt + F) which makes sure the magnify view is the full Desktop.
- The Desktop and everything displays on the monitor at 125% or 25% larger. The entire Desktop will not fit on the screen. Move the mouse to the edge of the screen and the Desktop will move to display that portion of the Desktop. Usually what you what enlarged to see better is in the middle of the Desktop and you won’t need to view the edges of the Desktop.
- When finished viewing the enlarged image/text, press the WinKey and the Esc key at the same time (WinKey + Esc). This will close the Magnify tool and return the Desktop back to 100% (your normal setting).
- That’s it:
- Image or text too small to see clearly
- WinKey + + to zoom in
- View/read
- WinKey + Esc to zoom out
HTH, Dana:))