• Questions regarding imaging software

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    As reported in another thread, I recently updated Macrium Reflect Pro v5, but later, when trying to create an image it just produced a ’MR has stopped working message’. It transpired that a recent major update had caused MR to hang for some users of Avast, Malwarebytes and Emsisoft antimalware. The recommended solution in my case was to add two rules to Emsisoft allowing macrium.exe and macrium services .exe.

    This did not work, probably because these files appear not to exist on my PC, despite what Macrium say, and typing them in proves ineffective. After a series of emails I asked if was possible to revert to a version prior to the offending update, they supplied the link, the earlier version was installed, and the image was successfully created.

    Deterred by concerns about what might happen when MR was next updated I installed EaseUs Todo Free and made an image with that. The results don’t satisfy me – see later.

    Next, I turned to the laptop, which had MR v4 installed. Attempting to add the .exe rule to Emsisoft was rejected, again because it doesn’t exist on the machine, so I created the image using v4, and it worked. Later, MR was updated to v5 and a new image made.

    That’s the background, now for the questions.

    Starting with EaseUs Todo Free. Checking the image came up with the result that no files were missing. Is this normal? Maybe I have an exaggerated idea of what verification by Macrium or Acronis does, but I have always assumed it was more than just counting the number of files, I assumed comparing the size of each folder with the original at the very least, if not ensuring they were identical and would open.

    Then, when I wanted to check a few files, they were visible with their folders, but would not open. Am I doing something wrong? When having difficulty balancing my monthly accounts I often open the Macrium image to check what was brought forward. Furthermore, the limited instructions state that only a full image guaranties restoring a PC exactly as it was, but the best I could find was a system image. Perhaps that it why individual files could not be opened.

    Now to my main concern. Today, having some spare time, I got out the laptop to check the last update, but neither of the August images appear in MR, and the one made in May denies me access. However, bypassing MR and going via ‘This PC’, both images are shown, but after assigning a new drive letter so as to open the image, a pop up tells me to format the assigned drive, which would wipe out the image. Always assuming that it is possible to format a theoretical drive.

    Clearly I need to make another image this weekend, but can some kind soul please tell me what the hell is going on.

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    • #1464830


      EaseUS Todo will not back up your data partitions if System Backup is selected. You could do a full Disk Backup, or backup the data partitions separately.

      As to the extraction of specific files from a backup set, this behavior may have changed in the latest version of Todo; see the thread:



      • #1464865

        Thanks Zig,

        As full Disk Backup appears not to be available in the free version, and being reluctant to pay for two apps to do the same job, I’ll give it a miss until it proves to be impossible to use an up to date version of MR with Emsisoft./

        Bye the way, I wasn’t trying to extract files, just checking to make sure they were OK. I only have a single partition on this PC.

        Do you know if it performs a proper verification, rather than just a file count?

    • #1464929


      I doubt that a full Disk backup isn’t an option -??how about a Partition backup selecting all partitions? In any event, if you only have one partition, a System backup should be a full disc backup. I think a screenshot of the Home screen of your copy of ToDo is in order.

      As an aside, it’s generally a good idea to store your data on a separate partition from your OS and programs; a few even separate the programs to yet another partition (I used to), but this is less needed with newer iterations of Windows (bbearen may disagree).


      • #1464949

        As an aside, it’s generally a good idea to store your data on a separate partition from your OS and programs; a few even separate the programs to yet another partition (I used to), but this is less needed with newer iterations of Windows (BBearen may disagree).


        I don’t necessarily disagree, Zig, but there are advantages, depending on one’s use and practices.

        For example, I have a motherboard/CPU upgrade planned for my desktop, expect the hardware to arrive early this coming week. I decided to restore my Windows 8.1 image to my OS partition. I’ve been using Windows 8 “split up”, but 8.1 is still together on a single partition. The upgrade will involve going from BIOS/MBR to UEFI/GPT, and the single partition will make that conversion simpler.

        Not using 8.1 since I upgraded 8, there were 119 Windows updates/patches to apply, over 2GB all together. I got though all that, but yesterday my network died. I booted into Windows 7 to make sure it wasn’t the hardware (Broadcom Gigabit Ethernet), and it wasn’t. So somewhere in all those updates/patches is a network hoser. I’ve restored Windows 8, and will give 8.1 another go from the original upgrade, and take just a few updates/patches at a time.

        To get to the point, having Users and Program Files on their own partitions let me restore Windows 8 OS-only to its partition in 9 minutes. I’ll be doing a lot of imaging and restoring in the next week or so; converting from MBR to GPT requires wiping the drive, and I’ve got 3 1TB drives and 22 partitions on this desktop. I already have some images that aren’t outdated, and I’ll have to make up-to-date images for those partitions that have had changes since the last image. But that’s the reason for my multiple partition scheme; not everything changes at the same rate, which means fewer images and still staying up-to-date, and smaller partitions make for smaller and faster images.

        Once I clean the MBR and convert to GPT, several of those partitions can remain as images until I get the system up and running to satisfaction; the data on them is not critical to running the system, but I don’t want to lose it, either.

        Always create a fresh drive image before making system changes/Windows updates; you may need to start over!
        We all have our own reasons for doing the things that we do with our systems; we don't need anyone's approval, and we don't all have to do the same things.
        We were all once "Average Users".

    • #1464932


      Both the EaseUS Todo Backup User Guide and the Ease US Todo Backup Free feature list seem to indicate you can achieve what you want.

    • #1464988

      You will notice from the screenshot that I have version 6.5, whereas the links supplied by Rui refer to v7, which must be very new, as I only downloaded 10 days ago. There seems to be no option to update, so perhaps I should uninstall and download v7.

      But it seems doubtful that v7 is going to be of any use, as the User Guide for v7 Free states that “a system image will not include the whole disk”, and, after reading all the arguments for and against having a separate data partition, I am not inclined take the risk of messing up completely.

      I notice that the User Guide is also rather vague on what is covered by ‘checking the disk’.

      • #1465005

        But it seems doubtful that v7 is going to be of any use, as the User Guide for v7 Free states that “a system image will not include the whole disk”, and, after reading all the arguments for and against having a separate data partition, I am not inclined take the risk of messing up completely.

        As Jerry suggested in the previous post, by Selecting Disk / partition backup,you will be able to image the whole disk, so I don’t see how v7 won’t be of any use. It’s even possible that a System Image for a single partition drive will do it, but that is not entirely clear to me, since I really don’t use the product and haven’t seen the results of doing so. I would grant that the attempt to make the app easier to use doesn’t work that well. Also, many disks today have several partitions, several of them hidden, so for a full recoverable system, using Disk / partition seems to be the most effective way to backup, when you want to ensure full recoverability.

      • #1465507

        The upgrade will involve going from BIOS/MBR to UEFI/GPT

        Can an MBR image be “restored” as a GPT disk ??
        I am not planning on doing that at the moment but I will be going W7 full time soon and I am sure W8 just for the ‘fun’ of it in the future….

        BTW what hardware are you going for? I may be ordering my parts tonight or mannana


        Just because you don't know where you are going doesn't mean any road will get you there.
        • #1465514

          Can an MBR image be “restored” as a GPT disk ??
          I am not planning on doing that at the moment but I will be going W7 full time soon and I am sure W8 just for the ‘fun’ of it in the future….

          BTW what hardware are you going for? I may be ordering my parts tonight or mannana

          As long as the imaging software is GPT aware, it shouldn’t be a problem. I use Image For Windows, and it handles it just fine. That’s how I did the conversion on my laptop. GPT is the partitioning scheme, not the file system. I formatted my GPT partitions NTFS. I’ve got my new hardware, and I’ve just started backing up. I’ve converted one of my internal 1TB drives to GPT already, and put my 8.1 Pro image on it. I’ve got a few partitions to go, though. I intend to make all fresh images for the conversion.

          My new hardware is Intel, a DH87MC board (even though Intel is going out of the motherboard business), and a core i5-4670 3.4 GHz CPU. I’m replacing a core-i3 550 3.2 GHz and Dell motherboard with Intel H57 chipset. The new board has more SATA ports, USB 3, and will support 32GB DDR3 RAM. The RAM I have now will drop right in. I tend to stay behind the curve on hardware, but not too far.

          One caveat that just occurred to me; if you do a full drive image, that will also capture the drive geometry. When I replaced my spinner in my laptop with a SSD, I just made a full drive image of the spinner (which was GPT), swapped out the drives, and restored to my SSD, which was RAW.

          So going from MBR to GPT needs to be done one partition at a time, after the target drive has been converted to GPT.

          Always create a fresh drive image before making system changes/Windows updates; you may need to start over!
          We all have our own reasons for doing the things that we do with our systems; we don't need anyone's approval, and we don't all have to do the same things.
          We were all once "Average Users".

    • #1464991

      Selecting “Disk/partition backup” will allow you to back up the whole disk.


    • #1465026

      To all,

      A System Backup will backup all (and only) the partitions necessary to restore the system (hence the name). Any other partitions (including hidden restore partitions) won’t be backed up. A Disk Backup, by definition backs up all the partitions on the disk (if they’re NTFS or FAT32 – I don’t know about other formats, unless sector-by-sector option is used).

      The purpose of the System Backup is a “no questions asked” backup of the files necessary to restore the system, without other options, incrementals, etc.


    • #1465028

      Ya, too much reading and thinking on this one. Disk/partition backup is still the first and foremost option, which can be used to back up every bit on every drive recognized if so desired.

      The one lacking feature in ToDo Free compared to Macrium free is the inability to make a PE recovery disc/USB key (LINUX only).

    • #1465119

      Hi guys,
      Thanks for the suggestions. I didn’t see the latest postings until after supper, and promptly made a disk and partition backup using the existing Todo v6.5, when it would probably been better to wait until this morning.

      Initially all went well, it was described as a full backup, and I was encouraged by the fact that checking the disk took two minutes longer than creating the image itself. It looked as though, despite their poor terminology – here and elsewhere – it was doing a thorough job. In my book verification is much more positive than simply checking.

      However, I was brought down to earth when trying to mount the image. Having selected the correct image there were only two options:
      Drive A 500 MB too small
      Drive B just under 450 GB about half the space allocated to backups from my PC.

      Drive B being the only possibility I assigned it to S, but clicking next produced ‘File System not Supported’, which was repeated when I tried assigning T and A, at which point I gave up on Todo.

      Switching to This PC, the new backup was on the external drive. Selecting Users/ George/Music I chose one track and it played. Next was Pictures, selected a folder at random, there were the Irfan icons for eight tracks, but each would only open that track, clicking next didn’t work – I would not be happy if it was necessary to restore an image and 3000 photos had to be opened individually.

      So to Documents, and the folder was empty. I waited 15 – 20 mins. in case it were just a delay in opening, but no joy. It was already turned 1 a.m. and it has been my experience on four different PCs with Acronis free, Macrium free and pro and now EaseUs Todo free that going to Safely Remove Hardware always states the device is in use. Sometimes one can eject after 4 – 6 hours, usually I wait until closing down for the night, when it must be safe to do so despite the message. IS THIS NORMAL, or have I been unlucky?

      Reluctant to leave the machine on all night when I response from me might be needed at some point to avoid the external drive losing all the images, I tried Task Manager to try and find what was preventing closure, but must have done something wrong as there was just a black screen for a long time. Eventually getting Task Manager back I foolishly chose restart rather than close down, and it was still restarting when I went to bed at 2 a.m.

      The cat woke me about 3.30 to be fed, I had a look at the monitor and it was still restarting, so I forcibly closed down. I awoke expecting the worst from the PC, but after an hour or so’s use everything seems OK.

      I would very much like to know when it is safe to detach the external disk while Safely remove says it is still in use.

      Today I have taken another look at the image via This PC and see that there are two Documents folders, My Docs , which I looked at yesterday, and is empty, and Documents, containing the backups. I do not feel EaseUs can be trusted and I should concentrate on sorting out the updated Macrium Reflect.

      EaseUs is widely used, but I wonder if anyone has ever made a successful restore using it.

      Apologies for the length of this post.

    • #1465122

      To be honest, George, I just remove the USB cable a few minutes after the backup as ended. I really don’t care about unplugging with the Windows feature to do it. Never had an issue with any of my backups, either.

      About EaseUS Todo, I best leave that to those that actually use it.

    • #1465126

      For a while last year I was restoring one image to a bunch of different computers using EaseUS ToDo Workstation as well as several simple restores. All went well except for one system which just refused to initiate the restoration. It was very old and probably didn’t meet some prerequisite, nothing to do with the image methinks. Also, while I don’t mount images often, when I have, it’s always been successful; looks and acts just like another drive in the My Computer window.

      If using ToDo free with W8 I would definitely use the latest version because EaseUS was a little slow and reluctant to make the free version compatible with GPT type disks.

      As far as pulling the plug on USB drives; I shut down any software that is reading or writing to it, close any windows displaying contents from it, wait just a bit and yank away. Any number of unrelated circumstances can keep Safely Remove from working so I quit using it a long time ago.

    • #1465131

      EaseUs is widely used, but I wonder if anyone has ever made a successful restore using it.

      Yes, several times.


    • #1465140

      Rui, F.U.N.,
      That’s reassuring. My previous external drive only lasted a few months, and I never knew whether it was because of unplugging too soon, or because it had been knocked over a couple of times. Ever since I have made a point of always using the Safely Remove facility, but it sounds as though I have taken it to extremes.

      Thank you for the comments.

      PS. Zig, glad it works for you. Perhaps #14 has the explanation.

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