• Question Your Answers

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    Answer each of the 8 questions with a letter from A to D.
    The word “answer” in the test refers to YOUR answer, not some hypothetical “best” answer.

    (1) The next question with the same answer as this one is:
    (A) 2 ( 3 © 4 (D) 5
    (2) The first question with answer C is:
    (A) 1 ( 2 © 3 (D) 4
    (3) The last question with answer A is:
    (A) 5 ( 6 © 7 (D) 8
    (4) The number of questions with answer D is:
    (A) 1 ( 2 © 3 (D) 4
    (5) The answer occuring the most is: (if tied, first alphabetically)
    (A) A ( B © C (D) D
    (6) The first question with the same answer as the question following it is:
    (A) 2 ( 3 © 4 (D) 5
    (7) The answer occuring the least is: (if tied, last alphabetically)
    (A) A ( B © C (D) D
    (8) The highest possible score on this test is:
    (A) 5 ( 7 © 6 (D) 8

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    • #874743

      The best I can come up with is CADCDDBC Can’t seem to get higher then that!

      • #874816

        You are so close, Drew!

        The unique highest possible score is 7, and it can only be obtained by answering the last question wrong!


      • #874817

        You are so close, Drew!

        The unique highest possible score is 7, and it can only be obtained by answering the last question wrong!


    • #874744

      The best I can come up with is CADCDDBC Can’t seem to get higher then that!

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