In the latest newsletter Patch Watch says it’s time to install Win 10 22H2.
I currently have Win 10 Pro 21H2, and have been controlling feature updates by using the group policy editor.
Like so: Computer Configuration | Administrative Templates | Windows Components | Windows Update | Windows Uate for Business | Select the target Feature Update version | Enabled | In the first box: type Windows 10 | In the second box: type my preferred release, which currently is 21H2. Beyond that, the only thing I do regarding updates is pause updates until the weekend before Patch Tuesday, at which time I allow the previous month’s updates, and then pause everything again until the weekend before the next Patch Tuesday.
The new Patch Watch article refers to the use of InControl (or Registry Keys) to change the preference on my version of Windows. But computer stuff is mostly over my head. I’m comfortable following directions by rote, including those related to the registry, but beyond that point there be too many dragons. After reading about InControl and the use of Registry keys, I simply can’t tell whether those methods would simplify my life or get me anywhere beyond where I already am using the GPE.
I looks to me as though InControl may simply provide a one-click way of changing my update preference, which would be an improvement over the many clicks required to deal with the GPE. But I can’t tell for sure.
Can anyone offer me some guidance in this area?
Thanks large.