I am working on a large project in Access 97 and have encountered an error message and I am unsure about how to workaround. The project was working great until they decided to add more fields.
I have a database (simple logic) that is used as a scheduler for our employee health department. It has time slots from 7:00am – 4:00pm every 15 minutes. The scheduler has 3 columns of time slots and a reason for the visit field. In other words, time slot 7:00-7:15, reason annual physical. The user will type in the person’s name and SS# and select why they are here. I have used all 255 fields in the table. I have a date field (primary key) and also a memo field as well as all the other fields. I need to add 3 more columns for name and 3 more columns for reason. I created a separate table and joined the two based on date.
Problem: I need to combined all the information for a report and add the fields for the data entry form. I keep getting too many fields message when I try to create a query.
What can I do? Redesign – no time since they stated today to have ready by 6/27 and I leave to go out of town on 6/22. I also teach during the day…I need a fast solution on how to get this to work.
Would a sub report or sub form work?
Opened to all suggestions!