• Query Limitations


    I am working on a large project in Access 97 and have encountered an error message and I am unsure about how to workaround. The project was working great until they decided to add more fields.

    I have a database (simple logic) that is used as a scheduler for our employee health department. It has time slots from 7:00am – 4:00pm every 15 minutes. The scheduler has 3 columns of time slots and a reason for the visit field. In other words, time slot 7:00-7:15, reason annual physical. The user will type in the person’s name and SS# and select why they are here. I have used all 255 fields in the table. I have a date field (primary key) and also a memo field as well as all the other fields. I need to add 3 more columns for name and 3 more columns for reason. I created a separate table and joined the two based on date.

    Problem: I need to combined all the information for a report and add the fields for the data entry form. I keep getting too many fields message when I try to create a query.

    What can I do? Redesign – no time since they stated today to have ready by 6/27 and I leave to go out of town on 6/22. I also teach during the day…I need a fast solution on how to get this to work.

    Would a sub report or sub form work?

    Opened to all suggestions!


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    • #529908

      I’m assuming you have one record per day which holds all the “slots” for the day. If so, then I’m afraid you are pretty much out of luck. You basic database design is non-normalized, and you are seeing the results. Each “slot” should have been a separate record.

    • #529983

      Bad news. It sounds like your table structure needs reworking (and then the rest of the app.)

      This may help. Could you display some of the information in a sub report? That may reduce the number of fields you require to base the report on.

      • #530027

        Thanks for your suggestions. I think a redesign is in the near future!!! I have been able to get the program to work. I have created another table and linked by date. I also created a subform to be able to enter the correct information and a subreport to print the data out.

        Thanks again!


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