• Protect yourself from iPhone and Android spying

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    PUBLIC DEFENDER By Brian Livingston As technology marches forward, there are more and more things for us to watch out for. One thing you might not be
    [See the full post at: Protect yourself from iPhone and Android spying]

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    • #2440186

      So how to protect yourself from iPhone’s Live Listen set at Starbucks by someone sitting near you ?

      • #2440237

        As indicated in the article, don’t discuss anything you want kept private when in a public place. Period.

        Or for that matter during a Zoom Meeting. I can’t tell you how many people in recent remote meetings have failed to mute themselves when their phones rang. One disrupted the meeting for 5 mins. before the host could regain control. And they kept unmuting themselves!

        -- rc primak

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    • #2440302

      In his introductory paragraph, Brian writes that:

      One thing you might not be aware of is how easy it is for someone to listen to everything you say through a smartphone, such as an iPhone — even if the device is turned off.

      I was hoping that his article would give details about how someone can listen to a conversation through a smartphone when it’s turned off.

      How does this work, does anybody know?


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    • #2440505

      I use a small Bluetooth microphone device (ReSound Micro Mic) to amplify the speech of a person it’s pointed at and pipe the sound directly into my ReSound hearing aids. This improves my speech comprehension considerably. This is especially important in public where people are wearing masks or are behind plexiglass partitions for virus protection; it’s extremely difficult for me to understand speech in circumstances like that, even with hearing aids.

      The Micro Mic also picks up my own speech and other nearby sounds. In setting it up, like many other Bluetooth devices, the Micro Mic has to be paired to my hearing aids using ReSound’s phone app by pressing a button on the microphone and accepting the pairing on the phone; once paired, it remembers the pairing in subsequent sessions of powering up these devices.

      Is there an easy way to compromise the security of the Bluetooth pairing and “listen in” on another device I did not pair to the microphone?

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