• Project definition


    I’m trying to wrangle some RPG programmers, and rather having a time of it. doh Does anybody have a document that defines scope of work, deadlines, etc. for a development project which they’d be willing to share? Please…

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    • #530561

      RPG? As in RPGII or RPGIII? Is that still around?

      You could probably buy a new LAN and PCs to go with it and pay for an OOP app what it would cost to yank RPG people out of retirement to code for you… Just my 2cents I did some software maintenance work on an old System 34 year ago… flee

      • #530631


        RPG4 is being used on an AS/400 in our shop, and unfortunately we can’t get away from it any time in the next 18 months or so.

        What I’m really looking for is a general document for helping the programmers define a project so reasonable expectations and timelines are established and met. Unfortunately, project definition has always been rather squishy, and I’d like that to change and the perception of our programmers to improve.

        So, anybody have a template like that they or their company uses?

        • #530683


          I’ve seen one that looks pretty good and isn’t overly complex, but it’s basically a project definition rather than a detail requirements document. Is that what you’re looking for? I’m trying to track down the source, and will let you know when/if I find it if you wish.

          • #530734


            Thanks for your efforts! That sounds like a good start on what I’m looking for; mostly I want a document that’ll keep them, and me, from spinning wildly out of control in the middle of the project! dizzy

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