• profiles (Netscape 6.2)


    Anyone out there know how to add another user profile to Netscape 6? When I first upgraded, there was a place that you could include multiple profiles for different users, but at the time I didn’t do it. Now I can’t find a way to go back and add a user other than myself….

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    • #559997

      According to the help files:

      Creating a New Profile

      To create a profile:

      1. Exit the browser. It is not possible to create a new profile while the Navigator, Mail, or any other component of your browser software is running.
      2. Open the Profile Manager.
      * On Windows, open the Start menu and choose Programs, then Netscape 6, then Profile Manager.
      * On Mac OS, open the Netscape folder and then double-click the Profile Manager.
      * On Linux, type the following at the command line: ./netscape -profilemanager
      3. Click Create Profile, read the Profile description, and then click Next.
      4. Enter a profile name. This can be anything you like, such as your real name or a name that’s related to what you use the profile for, such as “School.”
      5. Accept the default directory for the storage of bookmarks and other information, or choose another directory.
      6. If you have Language Packs or Regional Content Packs installed, click Region and choose the Language/Content set you want.
      7. Click Finish.

      The opening screen of the Profile Manager reappears, with the new profile listed and highlighted.

      To set up your browser for the new profile, click Start Netscape 6. You’ll be asked to activate the new profile for use with Netscape Webmail, Netscape Instant Messenger, and custom My Netscape page. If you don’t want to activate the new profile for these purposes at this time, click Cancel, and the program will open.

      As you begin using the new profile, you will be asked for additional information as you perform tasks that require it

      • #560060

        Thank you, thank you, thank you! I had tried finding this in help, but had spent half an hour to 45 min. with no luck in coming up with it….


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