• Problems with KB 2633880, 2518864, 2572073

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    I’m seeing reports all over the place about a lousy bunch of .NET patches that went out in the past few hours. People complain that they’re being offe
    [See the full post at: Problems with KB 2633880, 2518864, 2572073]

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    • #55805

      Thank you for publishing this. Unfortunately, no one will find this good information until they experience the problem (which literally millions of people could be experiencing) and then search for help. I just wasted three hours on this, and all of the MS recommendations were just time wasters.

      It would be better if MS set up a fund, and every time they waste a few hours of our time with BS like this, we get compensated. I would say MS mistakes cost me at least 20 hours per year. Multiply that by millions of people, and that’s a massive dent on humanity.

    • #55806

      many thanks for that. I spent 4 hours downloading and redownloading, installing and reinstalling before I found others posting problems with these patches. So its reassuring to know its not just my problem and indeed it is probably MS’s. In lay speak, it seems like Windows Update is diligently doing what it needs to do but at the end the registry is not being updated to reflect the fact that the updates have been applied so when WU goes back it downloads and installs them again.

    • #55807

      Thank you for posting this. My pc automatically down loaded an update Monday but these 3 are hanging up and will not install. I have turned off auto updates for now and will bookmark this page so i can check back. Thanks again Woody!

    • #55808

      Thanks for the heads up. Been trying to fix this issue with exactly these three updates that popped up today. Wasted hours of my day but at least I know there isn’t an issue with my installation (at the moment 🙂 )

    • #55809

      Dear Sir

      I have had this update this mmorning for updates KB 2633880, 2518864,2572073. What would you advise?

    • #55810

      Thank you for this. Been trying to install for an hour now and does the download and install but then shows that the updates are needed. I thought it was an issue with Mozilla Firefox.

    • #55811

      boy, am I glad this site is up.
      I was even about to formatting my harddisk.

    • #55812

      yes, happens to me too. after googling a lot and trying out FixIt i found that it was microsoft bug most likely. just wait for proper update and that is all.

    • #55813

      Question to MS Owners: How many times we’ll must fix your’s operation system faults?

    • #55814

      Hi. This happened to me today (May 23) and is really annoying. I’m running XP Pro with SP3.

      I will take your advice and turn off auto updates for a while. The three specific patches you mention are definitely the ones that keep being offered repeatedly. The dialog from MS reports success for all three when I install them but then they don’t appear anywhere in the updates list under Add/Remove Programs (with updates displayed) in the Control Panel – which is where I checked to see if they were actually installed. (Not sure where the “log” file is for updates that people keep referring to.)

      Anyway, if there any news on when MS fixes this irritating blunder, I’d appreciate your advice. In the meantime, many thanks for publishing the issue. For a while there I thought I and my PC were going crazy.


    • #55815

      I think I have a work-around. It installed successfully 4x on my system and still wanted to keep going(checked by looking on control panel security tab for update history.
      The next time it appeared I elected for the custom install option which allowed me to untick the three boxes and warned that I would not be offered them again: HOORAY. For belt and braces I also changed from auto-update to tell-me when updates are available. That seemed to settle it so I switched back to auto-update and so far no problems.

    • #55816

      How will one know that they’ve sorted out their mess, if one turns off automatic updates?

    • #55817

      I’ve got the same problem here.

      Is there another workaround rather than just truning off the automatic updates ?

      If yes, please let me know 🙂

      Thanks in advance.


    • #55818

      Too late for me, I installed them trusting Microsoft update to fix rather than cause problems on my machine. Stupid me.

      I’m done with Microsoft Update, it has caused me untold headaches over the years.

      In fact, this is the last straw, I’m done with Microsoft alltogether.

    • #55819

      Thank you very much!

      I’ve seen, that the problematic patches also are replaced patches through the KB2604092 (lock here: http://technet.microsoft.com/de-de/security/bulletin/ms12-035).
      It’s not necessary to install them. It seams it’s realy a mistake by MS!

      (sorry my bad english – i’m a german speaker)

    • #55820

      Hi Woody,

      I had/have problems with the same 3 updates. At first they failed to install. Nothing unusual in that. So I tried using the Windows Update site and they failed again. Eventually they did install and that is confirmed on my history list. But that update shield wouldn’t vanish. So I tried again….this time they failed. Worried I might have mucked up I made certain they did install again later and that is confirmed. So to stop seeing the update shield I chose option to ‘hide’ them on the windows update site. The shield has gone, but they still sit there hidden. Just a case of testing once a week to see if any solution is sent out by Microsoft.

    • #55821

      So are all the updates offered for Windows 7 Home Premium 64 bit okay to install?

      Security Update for Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5.1 on Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1 for x64-based Systems (KB2604115)

      Security Update for Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5.1 on Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1 for x64-based Systems (KB2656411)

      Security Update for Microsoft .NET Framework 4 on XP, Server 2003, Vista, Windows 7, Server 2008, Server 2008 R2 for x64 (KB2604121)

      Security Update for Microsoft .NET Framework 4 on XP, Server 2003, Vista, Windows 7, Server 2008, Server 2008 R2 for x64 (KB2656405)

      Security Update for Windows 7 for x64-based Systems (KB2658846)

      Security Update for Windows 7 for x64-based Systems (KB2659262)

      Security Update for Windows 7 for x64-based Systems (KB2660649)

      Security Update for Windows 7 for x64-based Systems (KB2676562)

      Security Update for Windows 7 for x64-based Systems (KB2688338)

      Security Update for Windows 7 for x64-based Systems (KB2690533)

      Update Rollup for ActiveX Killbits for Windows 7 for x64-based Systems (KB2695962)

      Windows Malicious Software Removal Tool x64 – May 2012 (KB890830)

      Let me know — thanks!

    • #55822


      No. We’re still at MS-DEFCON 1, and Microsoft tossed in some real zingers on May 22.

    • #55823


      Yes, the solution is to turn off Microsoft and/or Windows Update, and wait for the patches to stabilize.

      The easy way to do that is to watch for when I run the MS-DEFCON rating down to 4 (or occasionally 5).

      The harder way to do that is to follow Susan Bradley’s column in Windows Secrets Newsletter. I give a simple yes-or-no to all of the updates. Susan lists and follows them one-by-one.

    • #55824


      Watch here. I change the MS-DEFCON level to 4 or 5 when it’s safe to apply patches. A few times a year I’ll go down to MS-DEFCON 4 but recommend that you hold off on specific patches, but usually it’s an up-or-down do-it-or-don’t decision.

      That’s why this site exists.

    • #55825


      That seems like a good solution – but I, personally, would NEVER turn on Automatic Update. This week’s shenanigans being a good example of why it isn’t safe to trust MS with automatically updating your system.

    • #55826


      Wait. Microsoft will sort it out. When everything’s OK, I’ll change the MS-DEFCON level to 4 or 5.

    • #55827

      @Thanks –

      Man, you got that right!

    • #55828

      Many thanks, Woody. Three .Net patches do not correctly install on the 50 XP SP3 computers I service. They are repeatedly offered. The cure is worse than the disease! I hate .Net patches! MS, please get it right!

    • #55829

      Hello Woody and others 🙂

      Further to my letter above:
      1.My windows update history says all 3 of these updates have been installed.
      2.But notification update shield wouldn’t go away.
      3.The 3 updates still showed in the windows update site express/custom section. So I chose option of hiding them as that yellow update shield was constant annoyance.
      4.I dind’t turn off automatic update. Not for any technical reasons, just because I was waiting to see what happened.
      5.This morning I have just checked the windows update site. Those 3 updates have dissapeared from the hidden section. Nothing I’ve done so maybe MS have solution..??

      Best wishes to Woody and all of you.

    • #55830

      On my platform XPSP3

      On May 22nd MS update installed it twice, history shows green tick, yet the patches show up again and again with a message ” the updates are downloaded to your computer but not installed, please install them”

      They didn’t appear in the add-remove window, but at the same time the add-remove window shows a fresh update installed.
      “Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 service Pack 2—-185.15 MB——version 2.2.30729—-Installation date 22.05.2012.
      What can be this fresh install?

      I tried to install the patches manually, downloaded from MS site, failed.

      On 23.05.2012. MS update site shows no High priority updates, these patches seem to be taken off.

      Any idea about what the above mentioned fresh installation that appeared at the time of the failed patch install in the add-remove could be? Any reply would be highly appreciated. Thanks in advance.

    • #55831

      The steps to fix this problem given to me by microsoft today. I’m waiting to see if this updates bugs me again

      Follow the below steps to rename Catroot2 and Software Distribution Folder

      1. Click in Start, click on Run, on the Run box type services.msc and then click on OK.

      2. Double click on Background Intelligence Transfer Service. On the Service status click on Stop button and then click on apply and then OK. Do the same steps with Cryptographic Services and Automatic Updates Services.

      3. Open C:windows folder, and then rename the SoftwareDistribution folder as SoftwareDistribution.old.

      4. Go to C:windowsSystem32 and rename Catroot2 to Catroot2.old.

      5. After renaming the folders, go to the services console again and restart the services that was stopped

      6. Restart the computer and check for updates

    • #55832

      @Amar –

      I’m writing up a very similar approach, even as we speak.

      Glad you found somebody who owned up to the problem!

    • #55833

      @woody, I had to argue with them for an hour until I got the right tech person to speak with

    • #55834

      It seems Microsoft have pulled the offending .NET patches – KB2518864, KB2633880 and KB2572073 were downloaded to my XP desktop and laptop yesterday and installed successfully, but then continually looped. I did the ‘custom install’/unselect all/ignore work-around and the nonsense stopped. Today I revisited MS Update and checked ‘Restore hidden updates’. They weren’t listed, so I fired up an old XP desktop and ran a manual update check: nothing there either. Microsoft have put the genie back in the bottle – for a while…

    • #55835


      All the discussions are about the .Net updates.

      Given that there were a number of other updates, would you say it is safe to install the others, and not the .Net ones?

    • #55836


      Not yet. There’s no pressing reason to install any of them, and we still have an outstanding problem with the keyboard reassignment patch.

    • #55837


      Thanks for the update!

    • #55838

      @Amar –

      Good on ya.

    • #55839

      I use an INTEL DG965WH motherboard and have just a couple of hours ago finished formatting my hard disk and re-installing windows XP +SP3 (the reason being freezing of system at or immediately after startup) this was after spending hours in vain trying all kinds of other “remedies” and then hours of backing up many GB of data. The system worked fine for a couple of hours until I made the fatal mistake of letting the Microsoft site to load and install all 112 updates. This ended some 20 minutes ago ad this ended the short lived revival of my system. No it is freezing again. I have no energy left for reading all the comments but there is no reason for the optimistic tone of the last ones.

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