VLC player needs an update to v. 2.1.5.
There was no problem with my machine, or that of the wife, but it will not install on the laptop, although all three are running Win 8.1 Update. I have downloaded at least 6 times now, trying both VLC Media Player and VLC for Windows, and utilising all the download sites listed, but always the same result.
A pop-up says this version is only for Windows XP or better. Win 8 may not be better than XP, but is certainly more secure.
On one occasion I tried the trouble-shooter, thinking it was from MS, only to find it had downloaded something called ‘Total Care System’ from Safebytes Software LLC, which claimed to have found 359 critical errors on the PC, as follows;
80 dll
139 Empty or corrupt Active X entries
126 Invalid user software paths and missing entries.
Never having heard of Safebytes Software I looked them up and found only one site calling it crapware amongst a mass just listing what it claims to do. So far I haven’t been able to remove it, as both its own uninstaller and Control Panel/ programmes and features say ‘error launching installer’.
There would seem to be three options:
a) install an alternative to videolan,
b) pay up and risk the consequences,
c) restore the laptop with the only existing image, about 7 months old.
The latter seems to be the safest, providing Macrium will work – I have just started a thread about Macrium on my PC under Maintenance.
I would welcome any suggestions for removing Safebytes Software, and comments on the above listed choices.