I am having a problem with a form, which used to work without problems.
I have a combo box which used to filter the data to show only members who attended the program selected in the combobox. Suddenly, this feature stopped working.
This database was created in Access 97 and converted to Access 2000 some time ago. This form still seems to work fine in Access 97 but wll not work in Access 2000.
The form that is not working is called F_Participation.
I’m wondering if the problem might be associated with a “workaround” I devised when they told me in my Access class that there was no way to have the form open up already filtered to the last program I was working with. I have a form which runs in the background whenever this form is opened. I call that form F_Memory. F_Memory updates the single value in a table called T_Memory each time the combobox in my form F_Participation is updated.
Here is the code for the After Update event for the FindProgram field in F_Participation:
Private Sub FindProgram_AfterUpdate()
[Forms]![F_Memory].[ProgramMem] = Me![FindProgram]
DoCmd.ApplyFilter , “ProgramID = Forms!F_Participation!FindProgram”
End Sub
If I run this form in any version of the database in Access97 it still works perfectly – filters for the members who attended the selected program and remembers which program to open with next time. If I run it in any version of the database in Access 2000 the memory feature still works fine, that is the form opens with the last program selected before the form was closed. But the only way to get the members in F_Participation to filter properly is to close and reopen the form so the filtering is done by the memory feature. When a user changes the value in the FindProgram combobox, the list of members SHOULD – and did use to – change!
Any clues how I can fix this so Access 2000 can understand it? I’d like to do it and still keep the memory feature, since we are generally working primarily with a single program at a time and it’s nice to have the form open to that program.