I have a spreadsheet with about 10 named ranges – each named range covers 1 print worthy page. When I want to print the 10 pages I use a macro that looks like this …
Application.Goto Reference:="Range_1" Selection.PrintOut Copies:=1 Application.Goto Reference:="Range_2" Selection.PrintOut Copies:=1 Application.Goto Reference:="Range_3" Selection.PrintOut Copies:=1 Application.Goto Reference:="Range_4" Selection.PrintOut Copies:=1 etc
This works fine but each page comes out 1 at a time – a bit of a problem if you share a print (or worse still, have banners turned on). I was trying to come up with a way of selecting all the range names at once and then printing them. I got as far as …
range(array("Range_1","Range_2","Range_3","Range_4")).select Selection.PrintOut Copies:=1
… but that doesn’t want to work. Anyone got any suggestions?