• Preventing Automatic Hyperlinks (XL 2000 SR1)

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    Can anyone tell me how to prevent automatic hyper-links in Excel? For example if I type Joe@msn.com, Excel creates a hyperlink that will create a new e-mail. However, I do not want the hyperlink. I would like to turn this off globally because I will be typing in several items over the next few weeks.


    Viewing 9 reply threads
    • #821387

      Select Tools | AutoCorrect…
      In the AutoFormat As You Type tab, clear the “Internet and network paths with hyperlinks” check box.
      This is an Office-wide setting, it will affect Word, Excel, Outlook, …

      • #821421

        I do not have the “AutoFormat As You Type” tab on the AutoCorrect dialog box in Excel. I do have that tab in Word and I did uncheck the box, but Excel is still formatting web address as hyperlinks.


        • #821443

          As far as I know it should be an Office-wide setting, but I use Office XP, not 2000. Perhaps another Lounger with Office 2000 can help.

        • #821444

          As far as I know it should be an Office-wide setting, but I use Office XP, not 2000. Perhaps another Lounger with Office 2000 can help.

        • #821463

          In Office 2000, the option to switch off Hyperlinks is available in Word but not in Excel. Unfortunately the setting in Word does not seem to apply to Excel. You could remove Hyperlinks as they are type by trapping the WorksheetChange event as follows :

          Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
          Dim hl As Hyperlink
          If Target.Hyperlinks.Count Then
          For Each hl In Target.Hyperlinks
          End If
          End Sub

          To use this approach, copy the above code, right click on the relevant sheet tab and paste the code into the code pane.

          Andrew C

        • #821464

          In Office 2000, the option to switch off Hyperlinks is available in Word but not in Excel. Unfortunately the setting in Word does not seem to apply to Excel. You could remove Hyperlinks as they are type by trapping the WorksheetChange event as follows :

          Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
          Dim hl As Hyperlink
          If Target.Hyperlinks.Count Then
          For Each hl In Target.Hyperlinks
          End If
          End Sub

          To use this approach, copy the above code, right click on the relevant sheet tab and paste the code into the code pane.

          Andrew C

        • #822995

          (Edited by HansV to provide link to MSKB article – see Help 19)


          i have the same problem and went looking for an answer, as i couldn’t find one here. i found a sort of answer at microsoft. go look in the knowledge base; the number you want is Microsoft Knowledge Base Article 233073. it gives you a workaround of prefacing all entries with an apostrophe. i guess it’s better than nothing, but you’d think that there’d be something easy and global for this, as a lot of people seem to want to do this. i guess microsoft just wants to make it hard for us, eh? hope his helps you. take care and God bless.


        • #822996

          (Edited by HansV to provide link to MSKB article – see Help 19)


          i have the same problem and went looking for an answer, as i couldn’t find one here. i found a sort of answer at microsoft. go look in the knowledge base; the number you want is Microsoft Knowledge Base Article 233073. it gives you a workaround of prefacing all entries with an apostrophe. i guess it’s better than nothing, but you’d think that there’d be something easy and global for this, as a lot of people seem to want to do this. i guess microsoft just wants to make it hard for us, eh? hope his helps you. take care and God bless.


      • #821422

        I do not have the “AutoFormat As You Type” tab on the AutoCorrect dialog box in Excel. I do have that tab in Word and I did uncheck the box, but Excel is still formatting web address as hyperlinks.


    • #821388

      Select Tools | AutoCorrect…
      In the AutoFormat As You Type tab, clear the “Internet and network paths with hyperlinks” check box.
      This is an Office-wide setting, it will affect Word, Excel, Outlook, …

    • #821993

      I encountered this same problem a while back and could not find any available setting to rectify this. I did discover though, that if you put a space before the entry in the cell, excel disregards it as a hyperlink.

      Thats the best I can do for you.

    • #821994

      I encountered this same problem a while back and could not find any available setting to rectify this. I did discover though, that if you put a space before the entry in the cell, excel disregards it as a hyperlink.

      Thats the best I can do for you.

    • #823011

      IN Excel 2000, you cannot prevent them. You can however hit control-z directly after entering the address in the cell, making the hyperlink disappear.

    • #823012

      IN Excel 2000, you cannot prevent them. You can however hit control-z directly after entering the address in the cell, making the hyperlink disappear.

    • #823146

      I have the same problem when creating the company address list
      I use ASAP Utilities which is free . http://www.asap-utilities.com[/url%5D
      It has an option to remove hyperlinks from selected cells.

      • #823277

        I just wanted to thank all of you for your suggestions. They were all very good and would have done the job. However, I do not give up easily, so I wrote an add-in that can toggle the Auto Hyperlinks in Excel.

        I am posting the add-in for all to enjoy. The code is un-protected, but it is not commented very well. Please feel free to critique the code, but please be nice about it.

        When you load the Add-in a toolbar will be added with one button. If you do not wish to keep the toolbar, you can Press the ALT key and drag the button to a new toolbar and then delete the toolbar that the add-in created.

        If for some reason you loose the toolbar and button, just unload and then reload the add-in.

        I hope others find this useful.


    • #823147

      I have the same problem when creating the company address list
      I use ASAP Utilities which is free . http://www.asap-utilities.com[/url%5D
      It has an option to remove hyperlinks from selected cells.

    • #823282

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    • #823283

      (No Text)

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