• Preferences won’t stay when I exit Word

    Home » Forums » AskWoody support » Productivity software by function » MS Word and word processing help » Preferences won’t stay when I exit Word


    We use Word 2010 on Windows 7 in our law office.

    There are two options under File > Options > Advanced that will not stay checked when we exit and restart Word. The first is “Prompt to update style” under “Editing options” and the second is “Use smart cut and paste” under “Cut, copy and paste.”

    Any idea why this is happening?


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    • #1319407


      Are there any Office policy settings in effect?
      Do you have any global templates running, either your own or third-party?


      • #1319408


        I’ll have to check. We were discussing that possibility before I posted. We have a custom set of macros integrated into our system. However, there are other Word options that can be changed and do stay from one session of Word to the next, e.g., setting Smart Quotes. It seems odd that some options will hold and others will not.


        • #1320529

          Resolved: I contacted the guy who set up our macros and templates and he said the problem is caused by his custom programming.

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