• PP Conversion Problem (2000 to 2003)


    When I upgraded from PP 2000 to 2003, the upgrade messed up some of my presentations. For some reason, it changed the font and then moved them around on the slide. I was not using a font out of the ordinary (arial). Do you have any suggestions when I continue to open older presentations in 2003? It take me hours to change things back. Thank you….

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    • #1069176

      Was the upgrade from PowerPoint 2000 to 2003 the only change, or did you also get another computer and/or printer?

      • #1069328

        I misspoke—the conversion was from PP97 to PP 2000. No other changes in regards to printer, etc. were made.

        • #1069334

          You wrote that the font was changed. In what way – did Arial change to Times New Roman or something like that, or did the font size change, or the font style (bold, italic, etc.)?

          • #1069400

            When I converted, the font type would often change as well as the size. Many jpeg images would be missing, and in several cases, whole slides (with both text and images) would just be big blanks. This required lots of time redoing the slides to change the font type and size and to reinsert images, etc. Everytime I have converted to the next version of PowerPoint I have had these types of problems.
            When I tried to upgrade to PowerPoint 2003, I had so many bad slides that I just took it off my system and went back to PowerPoint 2000 . . . I literally didn’t have the time it would require to fix the huge number of slides affected. I have more than 2,000 slides that I use for my professional training courses.

            • #1069407

              We have been using PowerPoint since Office 97 and have converted many a file for many versions, and have NEVER had any of these problems.

              When you upgrade to a new PowerPoint version is this also on a different machine?

              Some of the problems you seem to be having my be that the fonts and images are “Linked” and on the current machine the font and/or image is not available.

              DaveA I am so far behind, I think I am First
              Genealogy....confusing the dead and annoying the living

            • #1069439

              Same PC but would it make a difference if the graphics weren’t embedded? That doesn’t answer the font issue though.

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