• PowerPoint + Zoom = computer sometimes freezes

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    Can anyone help me figure out why my computer sometimes freezes when I’m using PowerPoint in slideshow mode in Zoom?

    I teach online classes using Zoom (which is similar to Skype but with more features for teaching) and PowerPoint slides, which the school I teach for provides. I use the PowerPoint slides in slideshow mode.

    I’ve been teaching online for a few weeks now. Twice, including today, PowerPoint suddenly froze in the middle of the lesson. I couldn’t advance to the next slide, get out of slideshow mode, click on anything on the slide, or even use the Zoom controls. The sound continued to work, so I was still able to talk with my students. But that was all I could do. I had to reboot the computer (ctrl-alt-del still worked, fortunately), and then it worked fine again.

    After the first time, I checked with Zoom support, and they said that I’d had a good Internet connection and that my computer’s processor wasn’t running too high. Everything appeared to be running well. They suggested that it might be a PowerPoint problem. But it wasn’t just PowerPoint that froze.

    I’m using Windows 10 and Office 2010. I’ve had this computer for a few years, and I’ve never had this problem except twice in the same situation: PowerPoint in slideshow mode + Zoom. My computer has virus and spyware protection.

    What can do I to identify and fix this problem?

    Thanks for your help.

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