• Portrait Slide (2000)


    My wife is working on a presentation, with a landscape template. She wants a portrait slide part way through the presentation. I do not have powerpoint on my PC but think that this can be done. Is this possible? Many thanks

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    • #592076

      The short answer is No. I’m not sure why you’d do that in a projection environment, but that may not be your point.

      You could create a separate “portrait” presentation. then create a link to that slide.

      • #592104

        Many thanks for this response. I have sent your reply to my wife

        • #592298

          “Approach love and cooking with reckless abandon ”

          Is that your quote? Or is it from someone else? I get a big kick out of it every time I see it.


          • #592302

            Hi Catherine, great that you like the words, they really tickled me when I first saw them.
            I forget where I came upon this quote, but it has been variously attributed to:
            A Nepalese good luck mantra,
            The Dalai Lama
            A google search turned up a number of references.
            Here is the full list of “Instructions for Life”

            1. Take into account that great love and great achievements involve great risk.
            2. When you lose, don’t lose the lesson.
            3. Follow the three Rs:
            Respect for self
            Respect for others, and
            Responsibility for all your actions.
            4. Remember that not getting what you want is sometimes a wonderful stroke of luck.
            5. Learn the rules so you know how to break them properly.
            6. Don’t let a little dispute injure a great friendship.
            7. When you realize you’ve made a mistake, take immediate steps to correct it.
            8. Spend some time alone.
            9. Open your arms to change, but don’t let go of your values.
            10. Remember that silence is sometimes the best answer.
            11. Live a good, honorable life. Then when you get older and think back, you’ll be able to enjoy it a second time.
            12. A loving atmosphere in your home is the foundation for your life. Do all you can to create a tranquil, harmonious home.
            13. In disagreements with loved ones, deal only with the current situation. Don’t bring up the past.
            14. Share your knowledge. It’s a way to achieve immortality.
            15. Be gentle with the earth.
            16. Once a year, go someplace you’ve never been before.
            17. Remember that the best relationship is one in which your love for each other exceeds your need for each other.
            18. Judge your success by what you had to give up in order to get it.
            19. Approach love and cooking with reckless abandon.


      • #604994


        I have posted anew on this topic because I dont think that the XP Hyperlink fix is satisfactory.

        The reason that someone may want to do this is that they have an extremely long slide that will not fit into landscape format and still be legible.

        I have tried the hyperlink fix and this seems to create a loop in the presentation which means that even on the pages after the hyperlinked one, the hyperlink tries to run. What I mean by this is that after you have clicked the hyperlink to go to the new portrait presentation and then closed that part of the screenshow and gone to the original presentation again to move on, the “linked” slides appear after the next slide in the original presentation as well as the one from which you issued the hyperlink.

        • #605013

          I think I know what you wanna do, but not totally sure from your post. I’ve created two files that do what I THINK you’re trying to do. Lemme know. (Zip file)

          • #605180

            Thanks Grant

            That was exactly what I was trying to do but for some reason when I try that here, you dont just get the hyperlink taking effect in the slide you have the link in but it seems, and it may be a setting, but I cant find one, that it also runs after the slide following too. I have put sample presentations in the attached presentation.zip. No.1 is the landscape test and No. 2 is the portrait slide. You will notice that after you have clicked the link in slide three, the new portrait slide runs, it then returns to slide 3, runs slide 4 and then the linked slide runs again.

            • #605227

              Ureka! (Maybe)

              If you have the second show “OPEN”, I find it does as you say.

              However, if you open ONLY the first presentation and allow it to show the second, it works as you would like. At least in my testing.

              Try it and let me know

            • #605242

              Thanks Grant

              I had the problem whether the two presentations were open or not.

              What I did notice though was that in the sample you sent to me you had used the Action settings option to set up the hyperlink and strangely this does work as expected and gives no problem. It has fixed it, so thanks very much for that. Why, however, the direct hyperlink doesnt work I dont know(unless it actually opens the new file in order to run the link, whereas the action setting doesnt).

              One for the Microsoft boys to figure out, I suppose.


            • #605321

              Yeah, that’ll happen blackhole

              Anyhow, glad we got some resolution!

        • #605131

          > they have an extremely long slide that will not fit into landscape format and still be legible.

          I hope this doesn’t sound too critical but if it doesn’t fit on a normal slide in a legible typeface, it is TOO MUCH INFORMATION.

          (Okay, I feel better now. wink )

          • #605135

            I assumed that the “very long slide” was a picture of some sort. Dangerous things assumptions.


          • #605181

            I know that there are hard and fast presentation rules for creation of these things but if you want to present an image of a DAN Structure in a form that people can actually see and read on a screen then it simply does not fit onto a landscape slide, no matter how wide.

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