• Playing CD



    Running Mint Mate 19.2.  Attempting to play this CD.  VLC Media Player tells me it cannot play it.  Looking for suggestions.Trek-bike-CD

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    • #2293325

      Can you not just download the required manual in PDF format, for example from https://www.trekbikes.com/gb/en_GB/manuals/

      Hope this helps…

      1 user thanked author for this post.
      • #2293344

        Thanks for your interest.  As far as I can see, the Trek site offers only the generic print manual (which I have) that ships with the bike.  Searching the model number there doesn’t have anything specific either. The CD is included with that booklet and the booklet references the CD as having more model-specific info.

    • #2293351

      Thanks for your interest.  As far as I can see, the Trek site offers only the generic print manual (which I have) that ships with the bike.  Searching the model number there doesn’t have anything specific either. The CD is included with that booklet and the booklet references the CD as having more model-specific info.

      OK, that’s fair enough. I can see the statement:

      The best on-line resource for your bicycle can be found on the CD that accompanies this manual. With internet access, you can go directly from the CD to our web site. The CD also links to some of the companies that make the parts of your bicycle.

      Unfortunately the screenshot you provided doesn’t identify the bike model it’s for and shows the CD is quite old (it mentions Windows 98 and Mac OS 9).

      Also, I’m going to guess that the content is PDF-based (but may perhaps also include the installer for a PDF reader as well) so, if so, the contents aren’t really what VLC can handle.

      Mint Mate 19.x includes the Caja file manager and Xreader document viewer. Have you mounted the CD and browsed the contents with either Caja or Xreader to see what files are included?

      1 user thanked author for this post.
      • #2293371

        Yes- the bike is a Trek 7300, bought new by a family member in 2007 and ridden only a few times, looks brand new.

        Neither of the apps you cite appears anywhere on the menu.  Typing “caja” in the search box puts me into the directories as if I had opened them directly using the tray icon.  Entering “xreader” in the menu search produces Document Viewer, which in turn shows a list of various downloads, etc., including the Trek CD, but there appears to be no option to open any files, if such were actually saved.

        I do have Brasero, which I installed and used to copy some CD’s, but again, there seems to be no “play” option.

        • #2293373

          Try using LibreOffice to read your CD data

          1 user thanked author for this post.
          • #2293384

            Thanks for responding.  I don’t see a function in O-O that reads CD’s.  Could you please be more specific?

    • #2293385

      The File Browser is in the panel (to the left of Terminal) and is called Caja.

      The Document Reader found in the Accessories list is called Caja.


      Mint Mate should automount the CD when it is inserted. You can then browse it using the File Browser by *right*-clicking on its icon on the desktop and selecting Open. (or navigating to /media/user/<name of the CD>)

      Hope this helps…

      1 user thanked author for this post.
    • #2293391

      Well…I had forgotten that caja is the name of the file browser.  Mint did in fact mount the CD on insertion- it shows as an alphanumeric entry in the left-side menu in file browser.  Opening it generates a context menu, see s/shot. Trek-CD-menu

      But, as you can see by the sizes of the file items, it amounts to a whole lot of nothing- not at all what the print manual claims.  Some of those menu items are merely photos, and some open this or that page on the Trek site but they contain only promo material, no guidance as promised..

      Seems to me this is not a Mint issue, looks like over-promoting by Trek.  But I have now learned how to open a CD in Mint, thanks to the responders here.

      BUT- it appears that I have a new, perhaps related issue- no audio in Mint.  Yes, of course, I know a CD has no sound.  Cannot get audio on YouTube or local files that have audio.  Unknown whether this is a clue- earlier, when I first tried to open the CD with VLC Player, it generated static and showed the progress bar at the bottom as playing a disc, but nothing in the main field.  The sound icon, lower right in tray, shows full volume as before,  Sound>Soundpreferences>Hardware>Test speakers produces a good test.  What else should I check?

    • #2293411

      BUT- it appears that I have a new, perhaps related issue- no audio in Mint. Yes, of course, I know a CD has no sound.

      I misspoke here- meant to say that THIS CD has no sound.

    • #2293483

      Why don’t you double click on “start.html”? That will fire up your default browser and yo should be fine from there.

      cheers, Paul

      1 user thanked author for this post.
      • #2293488

        Thanks for your input.  I opened every item in the list and, in spite of the claim in the generic print manual with which the CD was packaged, there is nothing useful on the disc.  Most of the items are just promotional photos and the others link to the Trek site, offering a download word-for-word of that generic manual.

        I suppose there may have been changes in the content over the 10+ intervening years since this material was created.  Much of the advice in the print manual seems to have been written by the legal staff for liability purposes.

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