• Planning for the unexpected

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    ON SECURITY By Susan Bradley We all have a tendency to take many things for granted. We take utilities, such as electricity and water, for granted. We
    [See the full post at: Planning for the unexpected]

    Susan Bradley Patch Lady/Prudent patcher

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    • #2754411


      Thanks for your article on backing up vital information and services. I have a question:

      In the recent LA area fires, did any banks go up in flames? And if so, were the contents of safety deposit boxes safe or were they destroyed too? I’ve heard that the term “safety” may  not necessarily be accurate.



    • #2754452

      POTS is essential in areas where there is a constant threat of lost electrical power.  In over 40 years here, our old-style phone with copper wire has never failed, despite the substandard electrical service from National Grid.

      POTS is really good because it supplies the electrical power needed to be able to use a touch-tone phone that does not require its own electrical power.  We have two older touch-tone phones here, one on my desk with battery-operated caller ID in the phone circuit, and the other near a phone outlet in the kitchen.  My computer is connected to the same phone line, too, and I use it to send faxes to laggard medical and legal practitioners who eschew even encrypted email.

      Very useful is POTS, yet AT&T on the left coast and Verizon in our area want to rip up all the copper without offering a suitably reliable alternative.

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