• Pie chart – Percentages not correct (2003)

    Home » Forums » AskWoody support » Productivity software by function » MS Excel and spreadsheet help » Pie chart – Percentages not correct (2003)


    I have a pie chart that displays percentages in the labels. I ran some numbers and the percentage is wrong on the chart. It is showing 51% and it should be 54%. My numbers are 138,181/253,901. The 138181 is typed in and the other is a total of the column.

    Why would the percentage be off?

    Please help.

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    • #1104401

      Are you plotting all the data that makes up the total? Can we see the workbook?

    • #1104402

      Could you attach a sanitized copy of the workbook with the chart?

      • #1104409

        Ok. Here is the chart.

        Please review and let me know. Thanks so much!

        • #1104412

          What exactly caused this, I don’t know, but two of the six data labels displayed outdated information. The show category names M’care and Other but you haven’t specified a range for the category labels. To correct this:
          – Clear the check boxes in the Data Labels tab, then click OK.
          – Tick the check box(es) again, then click OK.

          • #1104415


            What exactly caused this, I don’t know.


            I would speculate (and you probably had the same speculation) that since the “categories” were not part of the range, that someone tried to add them manually. But, changing the label manually will make it completely “text” and no longer linked to the data. Thus when the data would change the labels (being text) do not. Only 2 were manually edited, the others stayed linked to the data and reflect the percentage and the “category number” since the categories were not chosen.


        • #1104414

          Your “others” and M’Care” seem to be manually entered. If you remove the datalabels and readd them it works ok. If you include the “categories” as the “X-Axis in the series then it will display the labels and not numbers (See Attached)

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