• Photos in Access forms (2000)


    I have created a form for players on the team. The photos are in the JPEG format. When I go to put the photo in the form field (OLE object), all I get is an icon, even though the show as icon checkbox is not enabled.

    I have also been in a classroom setting where some computers are able to show the graphics and others only show the icon, even though it is the same graphic for everyone.

    Can somebody explain to me what is happening and how I can turn Access “on” so it will show the JPEG photo and other graphics?

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    • #548372

      I had the same problem and received an answer that worked for me on the Element K Access bulletin board (http://bbs.elementkjournals.com/).

      Microsoft has a couple of Knowledge Base articles that could help you, too. Q148463 – How to
      display image in Form Without Storing It in Table – lets you show images on screen.

      Q161010 – How to Embed a Bitmap Object in a Report at Run Time – might address your need more
      directly for the printed reports.

      • #548454

        I tried going to the site you posted without success.

        • #548464


          To get to the Element K Journals Access forum, try clicking here. Then, select the Message Board.

          Mr. Weller’s suggestion of the Microsoft Access Knowledge Base articles will also work.



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