• Pesto


    I have recently discovered green pesto with my pasta

    Does anyone have any other uses for it?

    And also whats the difference between green and red pesto – is red spicy?

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    • #1075219

      Green pesto is made from fresh basil, garlic, pine kernels, parmesan cheese and olive oil. For red pesto, part of the basil is replaced with sundried tomatoes (hence the color). The red version is, if anything, milder than the green version.
      There is also a red version using roasted red bell peppers, this version can be spicy depending on the peppers.

      Both green and red pesto can be used to add taste to all kinds of dishes: salads, casseroles, stews, …
      You can use it to tenderize meat (or fish, but take care not to use too much or you obliterate the taste of the fish)
      Or simply a cracker with cheese and a bit of pesto … yum!

    • #1075233

      I have found it very useful to get very fussy 13 year old girls to eat their food and have even ventured a little dab in some scrambled egg yum

    • #1075433

      Add a couple of tablespoons to regular canned tomato soup.

      • #1075442

        Add to hot, cooked green beans and toss until blended well.

        Or take a look here and here for a bunch of ideas.

    • #1075507

      I use it as a base topping for pizza

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