• Personalize BCC List (2000 (

    Home » Forums » AskWoody support » Productivity software by function » MS Outlook and email programs » Personalize BCC List (2000 (


    Greetings. My GF has been asked to see if this can happen.

    “I need to create a mailing list and be able to send emails to the list, but it appear to be a personally addressed email to one person. Like a mail merge in word.”

    As she explained it, it would be a group e-mail, and I suppose that she does not want the recipients to see that it was a group e-mail; but to appear to have been sent only to them. However, they only want the names of the individual recipients to appear in the TO line. I’m also guessing that in the message body, that they want the message to appear personalized.

    This seems to be a 2-part question.

    I searched through the Outlook forum, and could not find anything like her question.

    Thanks in advance !!

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    • #654431

      The messages need to be created and sent as individual messages in order for the person’s name, and only the person’s name, to appear in the To.

      Word-to-Outlook merging in Office 2000 is plain text only and, with SP2 and higher, has security hassles. But your GF should try it and see if it suits.

      There are other messages on this boards about “bulk mail” software that does similar (and fancier things) if Outlook doesn’t work out.

    • #654519

      In addition to jscher’s comments you should know that a lot of junk mail filters look for and screen mail where the To is different than the addressee’s name. This is a primary “flag” for corporate filters. The thing is, your mail often just gets sucked into a void and the sender doesn’t know it happened. There are other tools that do the job better than Outlook.

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