• ? permission problem (Access 97)


    I have a database that I am attempting to run under a limited user account. When entering an order and placing an amount ordered into the field I get an error. “the field is too small to enter the amount of data you attempted to add” I know the field length is OK because I can run the same order under my admin account. I have tried giving full control of the database and the whole office folder to the limited user account but it doesn’t work. I have other limited user accounts set up previously that worked OK. Now they don’t work. Is this a Windows update problem causing this? (Windows XP). Any other suggestions. Thanks

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    • #1090822

      That’s a weird problem. I’m not aware of any Windows update that would cause this behavior.

      I assume that you are entering the order in a form. What happens if you try to enter the order directly into the relevant table under the limited account?

      • #1091020

        I can add directly into the table. However, I have just tried it again and can now see that the problem is that it can’t create an OrderNo (autonumber field) for the order. Still can’t see why it won’t under this limited user account ….sigh???

        • #1091024

          Just to make sure, you weren’t able to create an order directly in the table when you tried again?

          • #1091029

            I can add an order directly to the table and it will create an order ID but using the order form links a number of tables so it may not be real test of the system.

            • #1091033

              I assume that the form is based on a query that links some tables together.
              Can you add a record in that query under the limited account?
              If not, try the following (still under the limited account):
              – Open the query in design view.
              – Click the Save button on the toolbar or select File | Save.
              – Close the query.
              – Open it in datasheet view and try to add a record again.

    • #1091002

      What is the limited account? Are we talking an Access User Level Security account, or an NT account?

      • #1091021

        The account is basically a group policy limited account. Its a generic account to give limited functionality to mainly a Citrix application but we also use it so staff can access a number of other programs for daily use. I don’t have the specifics of what is locked down in group policy. Maybe I will have to investigate at that end.

        • #1091044

          Ok, so the account has nothing to do with Access itself, both the admin and the limited user are NT based accounts, and both are logging into the database with Admin (the default account). If that’s the case, then it’s not an Access issue, it’s a file permission issue. Create a .txt file in the same folder as the .mdb, then log in with the limited account, and see if they can change the contents of that .txt file.

          • #1091048

            I already know the limited account can do this. Plus I have given that acccount full control of the database itself and the whole suite of Office programs. But the problem remains. Its certainly a tricky one. Thanks for your help.

            • #1091130

              What about the folder that the database is in?

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