• PDF password question


    I would like to remove the password from a PDF file.
    I don’t need to find the password…
    I know the password… how can I remove it?

    I’m particularly interested in free methods that don’t involve the full Adobe…

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    • #1138004

      You can try PDFunlocker.



      • #1138154


        Thanks, I’ll give it a try.

      • #1138177

        Hi Joe,

        If PDFUnlocker does remove passwords, then we might include it in the list of PDF utilities post that has been going on for quite some time now.

        BTW, what does your RapidShare upload version differ in from these available versions?


        • #1138242

          I have no idea. Just a link I found searching around for it. We’ve got it at work and I could not find out the site from which it was originally obtained.



    • #1138016

      Do you own this Protected file or is it from someone else?
      If you do NOT own it (as the author) then you should NOT be unlocking it for others to use.

      DaveA I am so far behind, I think I am First
      Genealogy....confusing the dead and annoying the living

      • #1138155


        Yes, I own it…It’s a bunch of my pay stubs that are each protected with my SSN#.

        I’d like to unprotect them and merge then into one PDF for easier access…

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