• pcbugdoctor/registry mechanic


    Just wondered if anyone has tried pcbugdoctor http://linkhttp://www.pcbugdoctor.com/press.html%5B/url%5D or registry mechanic http://linkhttp://www.winguides.com/regmech/%5B/url%5D. Not much of chance to check out the product unless you agree to buy. I’m a bit skeptical that 146 errors in registry are discovered on my new pc. PCBug – on the surface anyway (doesn’t even allow a ‘test drive’) looks like it could be a useful tool. Anyone have any experience with either of these products? TIA, Paddy

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    • #749873

      Sorry I have not tried pc bugdoctor, but have used Systemworks (Norton) on several different machines including my new XP Pro, have always liked it, would be interesting to hear back about pcbugdoctor, will keep an eye on this spot.

    • #749874

      Sorry I have not tried pc bugdoctor, but have used Systemworks (Norton) on several different machines including my new XP Pro, have always liked it, would be interesting to hear back about pcbugdoctor, will keep an eye on this spot.

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