• Palm V – Palm 4.0 Desktop

    • This topic has 2 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 24 years ago.

    A co-worker has a Palm V and he has recently downloaded Palm 4.0 Desktop. But, when he tries to use it, the following error message appears on his Palm:
    “Hot Sync Problem. The connection between your handheld computer and the desktop could not be established. Please check your setup and try again.”

    I have not used a Palm before, and neither of us has a clue where to start looking to fix this problem. Anyone patient enough to try to guide us???

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    • #517692

      I’ll bet you that your friend has an older serial port that can’t handle the speed. Older versions of the desktop treated the connection speed setting “As fast as possible” to mean as fast as possible without losing a connection. Version 4 treats it as “as fast as it can be set without respect to whether the port is overwhelmed by the data.”

      I had the same problem after upgrading to version 4 on one maching. Just go into your HotSync settings and change your connection speed. Play with the settings until you find the fastest one that doesn’t overwhelm the serial port.

      Right click the HotSync icon in the tray. Choose Settings. In the Settings dialog, click on Local. There you will find the port settings.

    • #517616

      You might want to post the question on this users group http://groups.yahoo.com/group/palm-talk/messages – lots of Palm power users there. I have a IIIxe so I can’t help you much. I’m using Desktop 4.0 with no problems at all.

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