• Palm Desktop 4.0

    • This topic has 4 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 24 years ago.

    Is it designed only to take advantage of thethnewer OS features, or is it a worthwhile enhancement for the PalmIIx?

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    • #510284

      Edited by mwolfman on 01/01/16 02:15.

      JA new desktop for Palm users – 4.0, available at URL http://www.palm.com/software/desktop%5B/url%5D

      Downoads great, installs fine on our two home PCs, and so far works fine – all data transfered over okay. Colours (that’s Canadian spelling…) are finer too.

    • #510500

      Edited by mwolfman on 01/01/17 19:24.

      I use a IIIxe with OS 3.5, and am not familiar with earlier operating systems. I don’t recall anything on the Palm download site suggesting incompatibility problems, but you should check for your self at http://www.palm.com/

      • #510747

        The warning that I got was from the head chearleader for the Palm OS division. If he has concerns, I certainly would. Weigh the benefits and the risks and then make your decision.

        • #516995

          One of our users began having gibberish-filled page 4s of his Word and IE printouts after installing this software. Uninstalling did not resolve the problem. However, the user’s configuration is very complicated: Inspiron notebook, docking station, Logitech wireless keyboard and mouse with a USB-to-PS/2 converter on the receiving unit, local parallel printer. Tried alternate keyboard and mouse, deleted and reinstalled the print drivers, no luck. But, if you print to a network printer, no problem, or if you undock the notebook and print to the local printer without the dock, no problem.

          The docking station hosts the hotsync cradle.

          Can anyone think of anything about the Palm Desktop that could interfere with a parallel port in this way?

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