• Page Numbers and Indexes (Word 2000 sr1)


    Document has page numbers formattted with a letter preceeding the number (e.g., “S-1”). When the index is generated, it includes only the page number. Is there a way to format page numbers and/or generate an index so that the characters preceeding the actual page number are included in the index?

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    • #637810

      I’m assuming from your post that the letter in the page number is manually typed and not generated using a SEQ field. If so, then you can manually add the letter to the index entries by editing the Index field. Right-click the index field and choose Toggle Field Codes. Make the index field look like this:

      {INDEX e “, S-” * MERGEFORMAT }

      The e switch tells Word what characters you want between the index entry and the page number. By default, Word just puts a comma and space between the entry and the page number (“Index entry, 15). What you’re doing with the e switch is making Word separate the index entry and page number with these characters: “, S-”

      Hope that helps!

      • #637847

        That’s excellent. Thank you! Is there a way to do this with the index when different letters are used with the page numbers throughout the document? For example, section one is numbered A-1 thru A-5, section two is numbered B-1 thru B-12, etc….

        • #637875

          Sounds like your documents may be using sequence (SEQ) fields to generate these page numbers. Do Tools-Options-View and check the Field Codes box. Then look through your document to see if you have any SEQ fields, either as a “chapter number” or in the page number. The fields might look like this: {SEQ Chapter r 2 * Alphabetic }

          See if you have those and then post back. If you have SEQ fields, then you just need to modify your Index field again to specify the sequence value. For example, with my SEQ field above, it might be:

          {Index s Chapter d “-“}

          where Chapter is the value in the SEQ field, and the d switch tells Word to use a hyphen between the “chapter number” and the page number (A-2). Note that I didn’t use the e switch in the field, so I will get Word’s default comma and a space between the index entry and the page number.

          If your document doesn’t use SEQ fields in the footer to to get the A-1 style page numbering, you’ll need to set that up yourself. Post back and I’ll be glad to walk you through it. I don’t want to fry your brain with too much unnecessary detail smile.

          Bob Moon

        • #640672

          Hi Pitseleh:
          Word will do this automatically. If you’ve numbered the pages by using something like Chapter A-1, etc., you can get these page numbers automatically. Number your headings using Bullets & Numbering… & choose the Outline numbered tab; then reset your numbering. In the lower row, on the right side, you’ll find a list template (numbering scheme) that numbers the Chapters. Choose Modify & change from 1,2,3 etc. to A,B,C etc. If you’ve already done this, then go to the next step.

          Go to Insert/Page Numbers…/Format… & tick the box that says “Include chapter number”. Choose OK, then Close (don’t click the second OK). Now when you go to Insert/Index & Tables…/Index tab, the page numbers will be as you want them.


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