I have been using various versions MS Outlook (from the MS Office Suite) for email for years on many computers and many versions of Windows.
I installed my Office 2007 (including Outlook) on my new Windows 8 MS Surface Pro computer about a year ago. I had had no issues using it on my old Win 7 tablet computer. But on Windows 8, many incoming emails have fonts so tiny that I can’t read them (seriously – 8 point or sometimes even 6 point!) Not all emails. But a lot. And from a variety of senders (some are html newsletter-type emails, but some are just typed messages from individuals). If I hit “forward” or “reply” I can usually read the text in that message, but if there were images they are often then enormous and I need to delete them to get the message to fit on the screen.
Thinking this might be a Win 8 issue that just wasn’t worked out, I took the opportunity to upgrade to Win 10 when it was offered. This did not solve the problem.
Efforts to enlarge the font in settings enlarged it for outgoing but not incoming emails.
I get a LOT of email, so this is an incredible drag. I hope someone can offer a workable solution. Important to note that the issue is with a LOT but NOT ALL incoming emails – so a solution that enlarges everything will create a different problem.
Thank you.