I have a laboratory computer shared by a number of users who need to be able to write data to CD. The computer is running Windows 2000 Pro and the burning software is Nero, latest version. Writing to CD is simple and very reliable, but only if the user has administrator status. Ordinary users are barred from the CD writer by Nero. For obvious reasons I do not wish to give all the users administrative rights. The Nero support site is no help and their tech support dept are not answering emails (there is no telephone support). It does not seem to be a matter of folder or registry key permissions as I have changed those which appear to be relevant with no success. The help file describes a Nero Security setting tab which should give ordinary users access, but this tab is missing. A search of the web and newsgroups shows that this problem has been around for some time, my system is not unique, but no effective solution has been proposed.
I am hoping that a knowledgeable member of the Lounge may be able to suggest which administrator right is involved, or may be able to explain what causes the problem and say whether a solution is possible or not. This is likely to be a problem on other systems in my department as well, so any suggestions will be gratefully received.
Thanks in advance