• Options for controlling update in Windows 10

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    Susan Bradley has an important analysis of how to stop the forced updates in Windows 10. The news isn’t particularly good, but it isn’t dire. Windows
    [See the full post at: Options for controlling update in Windows 10]

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    • #48185

      So Windows 10 isn’t free after all.
      To control updates (and privacy) you have to have Windows 10 Pro, which requires $$$.

    • #48186

      Dear Woody
      See Ed Bott attacking you
      As a fellow Journalist just let him know a windows 10 update had shutdown the audio on my computer and defaulted it to the speaker jack. In return got a [edited] reply from this [edited].
      I have never had a windows update do something like this

    • #48187

      Hmmm, isn’t that called “bait and switch”?

    • #48188

      The best ways wo avoid forced Windows 10 updates may be switch to Apple or Linux.

      I’m mainly set up ith Win 7’s right now and seriuosly checking both alternatives. I figure I might have till 2020 to come up with an alternative to Microsoft.

      Any suggestions of other possibly viable options to leave the Microsoft dictatorship will be cheerfully awaited.

      I believe I have time to do this carefully and a little help is always nice.

    • #48189

      My best suggestion is wait. By 2020 there will be options that we can’t even imagine at this point.

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